Example usage for org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output FileOutputFormat subclass-usage

List of usage examples for org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output FileOutputFormat subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output FileOutputFormat subclass-usage.


From source file com.neusoft.hbase.test.hadoop.dataload.HFileOutputFormatBase.java

 * Writes HFiles. Passed Cells must arrive in order. Writes current time as the
 * sequence id for the file. Sets the major compacted attribute on created
 * hfiles. Calling write(null,null) will forceably roll all HFiles being
 * written.
 * <p>

From source file com.panguso.lc.analysis.format.mapreduce.TextOutputFormat.java

 * ?
 * @author piaohailin
 * @param <K>

From source file com.phantom.hadoop.examples.terasort.TeraOutputFormat.java

 * An output format that writes the key and value appended together.
public class TeraOutputFormat extends FileOutputFormat<Text, Text> {
    static final String FINAL_SYNC_ATTRIBUTE = "mapreduce.terasort.final.sync";
    private OutputCommitter committer = null;

From source file com.pinterest.terrapin.hadoop.HFileOutputFormat.java

 * HFileOutputFormat for outputting fingerprint mod sharded HFiles using a mapreduce
 * job.
public class HFileOutputFormat extends FileOutputFormat<BytesWritable, BytesWritable> {

From source file com.rim.logdriver.mapreduce.BinaryOutputFormat.java

public class BinaryOutputFormat extends FileOutputFormat<BytesWritable, NullWritable> {

     * Gets a {@link BinaryRecordWriter} for a given context.
     * @param context

From source file com.rim.logdriver.mapreduce.boom.PigBoomHourlyOutputFormat.java

public class PigBoomHourlyOutputFormat extends FileOutputFormat<Tuple, NullWritable> {

    public RecordWriter<Tuple, NullWritable> getRecordWriter(TaskAttemptContext job)
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        return new PigBoomHourlyRecordWriter(this, job);

From source file com.rim.logdriver.mapreduce.boom.PigReBoomOutputFormat.java

public class PigReBoomOutputFormat extends FileOutputFormat<Tuple, NullWritable> {

    public RecordWriter<Tuple, NullWritable> getRecordWriter(TaskAttemptContext job)
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        return new PigReBoomRecordWriter(this, job);

From source file com.skp.experiment.common.mapreduce.MapFileOutputFormat.java

 * An {@link org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.OutputFormat} that writes 
 * {@link MapFile}s.
public class MapFileOutputFormat extends FileOutputFormat<WritableComparable<?>, Writable> {

From source file com.splout.db.hadoop.engine.SploutSQLProxyOutputFormat.java

 * The actual outputformat that is used in Splout SQL database generation. It receives a {@link SploutSQLOutputFormat}
 * by constructor. This outputformat performs the common tasks: heart beating, asking for a temporary folder to write data
 * with the Hadoop API, completing the output, etc.

From source file com.splout.db.hadoop.SQLiteOutputFormat.java

 * Low-level Pangool OutputFormat that can be used to generate partitioned SQL views in Hadoop. It accepts Tuples that
 * have "sql" strings and "partition" integers. Each partition will generate a different .db file named <partition>.db
 * <p>
 * Furthermore, the OutputFormat accepts a list of initial SQL statements that will be executed for each partition when
 * the database is created (e.g. CREATE TABLE and such). It also accepts finalization statements (e.g. CREATE INDEX).