Example usage for org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam MapSqlParameterSource MapSqlParameterSource

List of usage examples for org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam MapSqlParameterSource MapSqlParameterSource


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam MapSqlParameterSource MapSqlParameterSource.


public MapSqlParameterSource(String paramName, @Nullable Object value) 

Source Link


Create a new MapSqlParameterSource, with one value comprised of the supplied arguments.


From source file:com.exploringspatial.dao.impl.CodeDefinitionDaoImpl.java

public CodeDefinition get(final Long codeDefinitionPk) {
    final String sql = selectSQL.concat("WHERE CODE_DEFINITION_PK = :codeDefinitionPk");
    final MapSqlParameterSource params = new MapSqlParameterSource("codeDefinitionPk", codeDefinitionPk);
    final List<CodeDefinition> results = jdbcTemplate.query(sql, params, new CodeDefinitionRowMapper());
    if (results != null && !results.isEmpty()) {
        return results.get(0);
    }/*from www.  ja v  a 2 s .co m*/
    return null;

From source file:com.eu.evaluation.server.dao.dictionary.ObjectDictionaryDAO.java

 * ?/*  w w  w  . ja v a  2  s  .co m*/
public void invalidateAll() {
    String jpql = "update ObjectDictionary t set t.valid = :valid";
    MapSqlParameterSource params = new MapSqlParameterSource("valid", false);
    this.createQuery(jpql, params).executeUpdate();

From source file:tds.assessment.repositories.impl.GradesQueryRepositoryImpl.java

public List<String> findGrades(final String assessmentKey) {
    final SqlParameterSource parameters = new MapSqlParameterSource("key", assessmentKey);
    final String SQL = "SELECT \n" + "   grade \n" + "FROM \n" + "   setoftestgrades \n" + "WHERE \n"
            + "   _fk_adminsubject = :key \n" + "ORDER BY \n" + "   CAST(grade AS SIGNED)";

    return jdbcTemplate.queryForList(SQL, parameters, String.class);

From source file:tomekkup.helenos.dao.ClusterConfigDao.java

public ClusterConfiguration get(String alias) {
    return jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(queriesProperties.getProperty("clusterconfig.get.by.alias"),
            new MapSqlParameterSource("alias", alias), new ClusterConfigurationMapper());

From source file:org.string_db.jdbc.SpeciesRepositoryJdbc.java

public List<Integer> loadCoreSpeciesIds() {
    return namedParameterJdbcTemplate.queryForList(
            "SELECT species_id from items.species where \"type\" = :type ;",
            new MapSqlParameterSource("type", "core"), Integer.class);

From source file:tds.assessment.repositories.impl.FormQueryRepositoryImpl.java

public List<Form> findFormsForAssessment(final String assessmentKey) {
    SqlParameterSource parameters = new MapSqlParameterSource("key", assessmentKey);
    final String formsSQL = "SELECT \n" + "    segments._key AS segmentKey, \n" + "    forms._key AS `key`, \n"
            + "    forms.formid AS id, \n" + "    forms.language, \n"
            + "    forms.loadconfig AS loadVersion, \n" + "    forms.updateconfig AS updateVersion, \n"
            + "    forms.cohort \n" + "FROM \n" + "   itembank.tblsetofadminsubjects segments \n" + "JOIN \n"
            + "   itembank.testform forms \n" + "   ON segments._key = forms._fk_adminsubject \n" + "WHERE \n"
            + "   segments.virtualtest = :key \n" + "   OR segments._key = :key";

    return jdbcTemplate.query(formsSQL, parameters,
            (rs, row) -> new Form.Builder(rs.getString("key")).withSegmentKey(rs.getString("segmentKey"))
                    // calling getObject() and casting to Double because .getLong() defaults to 0 if null
                    .withLoadVersion((Long) rs.getObject("loadVersion"))
                    .withUpdateVersion((Long) rs.getObject("updateVersion")).build());

From source file:airport.database.dispatcher.airplane.FlyingMachineTypeDaoImpl.java

public FlyingMachineType getFlyingMachineType(String typeMachine) {
    MapSqlParameterSource parameter = new MapSqlParameterSource("typeMachine", typeMachine);
    FlyingMachineType result;//from   w  w  w  . j a  v a  2  s  .  c o m

    try {
        result = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(SQL_QUERY_SELECT_ONE, parameter, new FlyingMachineTypeMapper());
    } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) {
        if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
            LOG.info("Information on such type of the plane aren't present. Type plane : " + typeMachine);

        return new FlyingMachineType();

    if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
        LOG.info("Information on such type of the plane are present. Type plane : " + typeMachine + ". Result "
                + result);

    return result;

From source file:tds.assessment.repositories.impl.ItemGroupQueryRepositoryImpl.java

public List<ItemGroup> findItemGroupsBySegment(final String segmentKey) {
    SqlParameterSource parameters = new MapSqlParameterSource("segmentKey", segmentKey);

    String SQL = "SELECT \n" + "   groupID as itemGroup, \n" + "   numItemsRequired as itemsRequired, \n"
            + "   maxItems, \n" + "   bpweight \n" + "FROM tbladminstimulus \n"
            + "WHERE _fk_AdminSubject = :segmentKey ";

    return jdbcTemplate.query(SQL, parameters, (rs, rowNum) -> new ItemGroup(rs.getString("itemGroup"),
            rs.getInt("itemsRequired"), rs.getInt("maxItems"), rs.getFloat("bpweight")));

From source file:com.eu.evaluation.server.dao.eva.EvaluateItemDAO.java

 * ??//from  w ww  .java 2s .  com
 * @param <T>
 * @param evaluateTypeEnum
 * @param entityEnum
 * @return 
public <T extends EvaluateItem> List<T> find(EvaluateTypeEnum evaluateTypeEnum, EntityEnum entityEnum) {
    String jpql = "select t from {0} t where t.objectDictionary.instanceType = :instanceType";
    jpql = MessageFormat.format(jpql, evaluateTypeEnum.getEvaClass().getName());
    MapSqlParameterSource params = new MapSqlParameterSource("instanceType", entityEnum.getInstanceType());
    return this.createQuery(jpql, params).getResultList();

From source file:com.eu.evaluation.server.dao.eva.UpAndDownEvaluateItemDAO.java

public EvaluateItem findTheMatching(ObjectDictionary od, FieldDictionary fd, Map<String, Object> otherMap) {
    String jpql = "select t from UpAndDownEvlauateItem t where t.objectDictionary.id = :odID";
    MapSqlParameterSource params = new MapSqlParameterSource("odID", od.getId());

    String upEntityID = (String) otherMap.get(UpAndDownEvlauateItem.MAP_KEY_UP_ENTITY);
    if (upEntityID != null) {
        jpql += " and t.upEntity.id = :upID";
        params.addValue("upID", upEntityID);
    }/*from  w ww  .j ava 2  s.  c  o m*/

    String downEntityID = (String) otherMap.get(UpAndDownEvlauateItem.MAP_KEY_DOWN_ENTITY);
    if (downEntityID != null) {
        jpql += " and t.downEntity.id = :downID";
        params.addValue("downID", downEntityID);

    List<UpAndDownEvlauateItem> result = this.query(jpql, params);
    if (result.isEmpty()) {
        return null;
    } else if (result.size() == 1) {
        return result.get(0);
    } else {
        ObjectDictionary upEntity = getObjectDictionary(upEntityID);
        ObjectDictionary downEntity = getObjectDictionary(downEntityID);
        throw new RuntimeException("" + fd.getObjectDictionary().getDisplayname()
                + " ?="
                + (upEntity == null ? "null" : upEntity.getDisplayname()) + " ; ="
                + (downEntity == null ? "null" : downEntity.getDisplayname()));