Example usage for org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam MapSqlParameterSource MapSqlParameterSource

List of usage examples for org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam MapSqlParameterSource MapSqlParameterSource


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam MapSqlParameterSource MapSqlParameterSource.


public MapSqlParameterSource(String paramName, @Nullable Object value) 

Source Link


Create a new MapSqlParameterSource, with one value comprised of the supplied arguments.


From source file:org.string_db.jdbc.ProteinRepositoryJdbc.java

public Map<Integer, String> loadProteinSequences(Integer speciesId) {
    return queryProcessor.selectTwoColumns("protein_id", /**/"\"sequence\"", "items.proteins_sequences",
            TwoColumnRowMapper.<Integer, String>uniqueValMapper(),
            " protein_id IN (select protein_id from items.proteins where species_id  = :species_id );",
            new MapSqlParameterSource("species_id", speciesId));

From source file:orz.neptune.prospring3.ch8.JdbcContactDao.java

public String findLastNameByIdUsingNamedParameter(Long id) {
    String sql = "select last_name from contact where id = :contactId";
    SqlParameterSource namedParameters = new MapSqlParameterSource("contactId", id);
    return namedParameterJdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql, namedParameters, String.class);

From source file:fi.luontola.cqrshotel.framework.PsqlEventStore.java

public List<Event> getAllEvents(long sincePosition) {
    return jdbcTemplate.query(
            "SELECT e.data, e.metadata " + "FROM event e " + "JOIN event_sequence s USING (stream_id, version) "
                    + "WHERE s.position > :position " + "ORDER BY s.position",
            new MapSqlParameterSource("position", sincePosition), this::eventMapping);

From source file:com.eu.evaluation.server.service.impl.EvaluateServiceImpl.java

public <T> List<T> findEvaluatedEntity(EvaluateItemHistory itemHistory, AccessSystem system) {
    itemHistory = evaluateItemHistoryDAO.get(itemHistory.getId());

    String jpql = "select t from {0} t " + "where t.evaluateVersion.id = :evid " + "and t.position = :position "
            + "and not exists " + " (select 1 from Result r " + " where r.itemHistory.id = :hid "
            + " and r.evaluateVersion.id = :evid " + " and r.instanceId = t.id"
            + " and r.position = :position)";

    jpql = MessageFormat.format(jpql, new Object[] { itemHistory.getObjectDictionary().getInstanceClass() });
    MapSqlParameterSource params = new MapSqlParameterSource("evid", itemHistory.getEvaluateVersion().getId());
    params.addValue("hid", itemHistory.getId());
    params.addValue("position", system.getCode());

    return defaultDAO.find(jpql, params);

From source file:io.lavagna.service.NotificationService.java

 * Return a list of user id to notify./*from  www .j a  v a 2  s .co m*/
 * @param upTo
 * @return
public Set<Integer> check(Date upTo) {

    final List<Integer> userWithChanges = new ArrayList<>();
    List<SqlParameterSource> res = jdbc.query(queries.countNewForUsersId(),
            new RowMapper<SqlParameterSource>() {

                public SqlParameterSource mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
                    int userId = rs.getInt("USER_ID");
                    return new MapSqlParameterSource("count", rs.getInt("COUNT_EVENT_ID")).addValue("userId",

    if (!res.isEmpty()) {
        jdbc.batchUpdate(queries.updateCount(), res.toArray(new SqlParameterSource[res.size()]));

    // select users that have pending notifications that were not present in this check round
    MapSqlParameterSource userWithChangesParam = new MapSqlParameterSource("userWithChanges", userWithChanges);
    List<Integer> usersToNotify = jdbc.queryForList(
            queries.usersToNotify() + " " + (userWithChanges.isEmpty() ? "" : queries.notIn()),
            userWithChangesParam, Integer.class);
    jdbc.update(queries.reset() + " " + (userWithChanges.isEmpty() ? "" : queries.notIn()),
    return new TreeSet<>(usersToNotify);

From source file:io.lavagna.service.BoardColumnRepository.java

 * update column order in a given board/location. The column ids are filtered.
 * /*  ww  w .j  ava  2  s  . c  o m*/
 * @param columns
 * @param boardId
 * @param location
@Transactional(readOnly = false)
public void updateColumnOrder(List<Integer> columns, int boardId, BoardColumnLocation location) {

    // keep only the columns that are inside the boardId and have location=board
    List<Integer> filteredColumns = Utils.filter(columns,
            queries.findColumnIdsInBoard(columns, location.toString(), boardId));

    SqlParameterSource[] params = new SqlParameterSource[filteredColumns.size()];
    for (int i = 0; i < filteredColumns.size(); i++) {
        params[i] = new MapSqlParameterSource("order", i + 1).addValue("columnId", filteredColumns.get(i))
                .addValue("boardId", boardId).addValue("location", location.toString());

    jdbc.batchUpdate(queries.updateColumnOrder(), params);

From source file:org.string_db.jdbc.ProteinRepositoryJdbc.java

public Map<Integer, UniprotAC> loadUniqueUniProtIds(Integer speciesId) {
    return queryProcessor.selectTwoColumns("protein_id", "protein_name", "items.proteins_names",
            uniprotAcMapper, "linkout = 'UniProt' AND species_id = :species_id",
            new MapSqlParameterSource("species_id", speciesId));

From source file:fi.luontola.cqrshotel.framework.PsqlEventStore.java

public int getCurrentVersion(UUID streamId) {
    List<Integer> version = jdbcTemplate.queryForList("SELECT version FROM stream WHERE stream_id = :stream_id",
            new MapSqlParameterSource("stream_id", streamId), Integer.class);
    return version.isEmpty() ? BEGINNING : version.get(0);

From source file:alfio.manager.UploadedResourceManager.java

public void outputResource(int organizationId, String name, OutputStream out) {
    SqlParameterSource param = new MapSqlParameterSource("name", name).addValue("organizationId",
            organizationId);/*from   w ww .  j a  va2  s.c  om*/
    jdbc.query(uploadedResourceRepository.fileContentTemplate(organizationId, name), param, rs -> {
        try (InputStream is = rs.getBinaryStream("content")) {
            StreamUtils.copy(is, out);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Error while copying data", e);

From source file:com.exploringspatial.dao.impl.ConflictDaoImpl.java

public Conflict get(Long eventPk) {
    final String sql = selectSql.concat(" WHERE EVENT_ID_NO_CNTY = :eventPk");
    final MapSqlParameterSource params = new MapSqlParameterSource("eventPk", eventPk);
    List<Conflict> conflicts = namedParameterJdbcTemplate.query(sql, params, new ConflictRowMapper());
    if (conflicts.isEmpty()) {
        return null;
    }/*w w  w.j a va  2s  .c om*/
    return conflicts.get(0);