Example usage for org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam MapSqlParameterSource MapSqlParameterSource

List of usage examples for org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam MapSqlParameterSource MapSqlParameterSource


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam MapSqlParameterSource MapSqlParameterSource.


public MapSqlParameterSource(String paramName, @Nullable Object value) 

Source Link


Create a new MapSqlParameterSource, with one value comprised of the supplied arguments.


From source file:alfio.manager.system.DataMigrator.java

private void fillDefaultOptions() {
    transactionTemplate.execute(ts -> {
        int count = jdbc.queryForObject("select count(*) from configuration where c_key = :key",
                new MapSqlParameterSource("key", ConfigurationKeys.GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ANONYMOUS_MODE.getValue()),
        if (count == 0) {
            configurationRepository.insert(ConfigurationKeys.GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ANONYMOUS_MODE.getValue(), "true",
        }//  w w  w  .  ja  va2 s.  com
        return null;

From source file:com.daugherty.e2c.persistence.data.jdbc.JdbcSupplierDao.java

public List<Supplier> loadLatestBySupplierIds(List<Long> ids, Locale locale) {
    List<Supplier> suppliers = Lists.newArrayList();

    HashSet<Long> uniqueIds = Sets.newHashSet(ids);
    LOGGER.debug("Getting Supplier from the database by supplier ids " + uniqueIds);
    for (List<Long> partitionedIds : Lists.partition(Lists.newArrayList(uniqueIds), 1000)) {
        String sql = getSql("/supplier/getLatestBySupplierIds.sql");
        SqlParameterSource parameterSource = new MapSqlParameterSource("supplierIds", partitionedIds)
                .addValue("language", locale.getLanguage());
        suppliers.addAll(jdbcTemplate.query(sql, parameterSource, new SupplierResultSetExtractor()));
    }//from  w w  w. ja va 2  s.c o m

    return suppliers;

From source file:tds.assessment.repositories.impl.AssessmentWindowQueryRepositoryImpl.java

public List<AssessmentWindow> findCurrentAssessmentFormWindows(final String clientName,
        final String assessmentId, final int shiftWindowStart, final int shiftWindowEnd,
        final int shiftFormStart, final int shiftFormEnd) {
    final MapSqlParameterSource parameters = new MapSqlParameterSource("clientName", clientName)
            .addValue("assessmentId", assessmentId).addValue("shiftWindowStart", shiftWindowStart)
            .addValue("shiftWindowEnd", shiftWindowEnd).addValue("shiftFormStart", shiftFormStart)
            .addValue("shiftFormEnd", shiftFormEnd).addValue("sessionType", ONLINE_SESSION_TYPE);

    //NOTE - SessionType is always 0 for the online application
    String SQL = "SELECT\n" + "   windowID, \n" + "   W.numopps AS windowMax, \n"
            + "   M.maxopps AS modeMax, \n"
            + "   CASE WHEN W.startDate IS NULL THEN UTC_TIMESTAMP() ELSE (W.startDate + INTERVAL :shiftWindowStart DAY) END AS startDate,\n"
            + "   CASE WHEN W.endDate IS NULL THEN UTC_TIMESTAMP() ELSE (W.endDate + INTERVAL :shiftWindowEnd DAY) END  AS endDate,\n"
            + "   CASE WHEN F.startDate IS NULL THEN UTC_TIMESTAMP() ELSE ( F.startdate + INTERVAL :shiftFormStart DAY) END AS formStart,\n"
            + "   CASE WHEN F.enddate IS NULL THEN UTC_TIMESTAMP() ELSE (F.enddate + INTERVAL :shiftFormEnd DAY ) END AS formEnd,\n"
            + "   _efk_TestForm AS formKey, \n" + "   FormID, \n" + "   F.Language, \n" + "   M.mode,\n"
            + "   M.testkey, \n" + "   W.sessionType AS windowSession, \n" + "   M.sessionType AS modeSession\n"
            + "FROM configs.client_testwindow W\n" + "JOIN configs.client_testmode M ON\n"
            + "   M.testid = W.testid AND\n" + "   M.clientname = W.clientname AND\n"
            + "   (M.sessionType = -1 OR M.sessionType = 0) \n"
            + "JOIN configs.client_testformproperties F ON \n" + "   M.testkey = F.testkey AND\n"
            + "   F.testid = W.testid AND\n" + "   F.clientname = W.clientname AND\n"
            + "   UTC_TIMESTAMP() BETWEEN CASE WHEN F.startDate IS NULL THEN UTC_TIMESTAMP() ELSE (F.startdate + INTERVAL :shiftFormStart DAY) END\n"
            + "   AND CASE WHEN F.enddate IS NULL THEN UTC_TIMESTAMP() ELSE (F.enddate + INTERVAL :shiftFormEnd DAY) END      \n"
            + "WHERE W.clientname = :clientName AND \n" + "      W.testid = :assessmentId AND \n"
            + "      (W.sessionType = -1 OR W.sessionType = 0) AND \n"
            + "      UTC_TIMESTAMP() BETWEEN CASE WHEN W.startDate IS NULL THEN UTC_TIMESTAMP() ELSE (W.startDate + INTERVAL :shiftWindowStart DAY) END\n"
            + "    AND CASE WHEN W.endDate IS NULL THEN UTC_TIMESTAMP() ELSE (W.endDate + INTERVAL :shiftWindowEnd DAY ) END \n"
            + "UNION (\n" + "SELECT\n" + "   windowID, \n" + "   W.numopps AS windowMax, \n"
            + "   M.maxopps AS modeMax,\n"
            + "   CASE WHEN W.startDate IS NULL THEN UTC_TIMESTAMP() ELSE  (W.startDate + INTERVAL :shiftWindowStart DAY) END  AS startDate ,\n"
            + "   CASE WHEN W.endDate IS NULL THEN UTC_TIMESTAMP() ELSE (W.endDate + INTERVAL :shiftWindowEnd DAY) END  AS endDate ,\n"
            + "   CASE WHEN F.startDate IS NULL THEN UTC_TIMESTAMP() ELSE ( F.startdate + INTERVAL :shiftFormStart DAY) END AS formStart ,\n"
            + "   CASE WHEN F.enddate IS NULL THEN UTC_TIMESTAMP() ELSE (F.enddate + INTERVAL :shiftFormEnd DAY ) END AS formEnd,\n"
            + "   _efk_TestForm AS formKey, \n" + "   FormID, \n" + "   F.Language, \n" + "   M.mode, \n"
            + "   M.testkey AS TestKey, \n" + "   W.sessionType , \n" + "   M.sessionType\n" + "FROM \n"
            + "   configs.client_segmentproperties S\n" + "   JOIN configs.client_testformproperties F ON \n"
            + "            S.clientname = :clientName\n" + "            AND S.parentTest = :assessmentId \n"
            + "            AND S.clientname = F.clientname\n" + "            AND UTC_TIMESTAMP() BETWEEN \n"
            + "               ( CASE WHEN F.startDate IS NULL THEN UTC_TIMESTAMP() ELSE (F.startdate + INTERVAL :shiftFormStart DAY) END )\n"
            + "               AND ( CASE WHEN F.enddate IS NULL THEN UTC_TIMESTAMP() ELSE (F.enddate + INTERVAL :shiftFormEnd DAY) END )\n"
            + "            AND S.segmentid = F.testid\n" + "   JOIN configs.client_testmode M ON\n"
            + "            F.clientname = M.clientname\n" + "            AND S.parentTest = M.testID \n"
            + "            AND (M.sessionType = -1 OR M.sessionType = :sessionType) \n"
            + "            AND S.modekey = M.testkey\n" + "   JOIN configs.client_testwindow W ON\n"
            + "            M.clientname = W.clientname\n" + "            AND W.testID = S.parentTest \n"
            + "            AND (W.sessionType = -1 OR W.sessionType = :sessionType)\n"
            + "            AND UTC_TIMESTAMP() BETWEEN\n"
            + "               ( CASE WHEN W.startDate IS NULL THEN UTC_TIMESTAMP() ELSE (W.startDate + INTERVAL :shiftWindowStart DAY) END )\n"
            + "               AND ( CASE WHEN W.endDate IS NULL THEN UTC_TIMESTAMP() ELSE (W.endDate + INTERVAL :shiftWindowEnd DAY ) END )\n"
            + ");";

    return jdbcTemplate.query(SQL, parameters,
            (rs, rowNum) -> new AssessmentWindow.Builder().withWindowId(rs.getString("windowId"))
                    .withStartTime(mapTimestampToJodaInstant(rs, "startDate"))
                    .withEndTime(mapTimestampToJodaInstant(rs, "endDate")).build());

From source file:com.blackducksoftware.tools.appedit.naiaudit.dao.jdbc.JdbcVulnNaiAuditDetailsDao.java

 * Get a map containing all NAI Audit Details for the given application.
 * @param applicationId//from   www  .  j  a  va2s  . co  m
 * @return
 * @throws AppEditException
public Map<AppCompVulnKey, VulnNaiAuditDetails> getVulnNaiAuditDetailsMap(final String applicationId) {

    final SqlParameterSource namedParameters = new MapSqlParameterSource("appId", applicationId);
    logger.debug("Getting vulnNaiAuditDetails for appID " + applicationId + "; SQL: " + SQL);

    List<VulnNaiAuditDetails> vulnNaiAuditDetailsList = null;
    try {
        vulnNaiAuditDetailsList = jdbcTemplate.query(SQL, namedParameters, new VulnNaiAuditDetailsMapper());
    } catch (final BadSqlGrammarException e) {
        final String msg = "Error getting NAI Audit details. Make sure the NAI Audit database tables have been created. Details: "
                + e.getMessage();
        throw new IllegalStateException(msg);

    logger.debug("Read " + vulnNaiAuditDetailsList.size() + " vulnNaiAuditDetail records.");
    final Map<AppCompVulnKey, VulnNaiAuditDetails> vulnNaiAuditDetailsMap = new HashMap<>();
    for (final VulnNaiAuditDetails vulnNaiAuditDetails : vulnNaiAuditDetailsList) {
        logger.info("VulnNaiAuditDetails: " + vulnNaiAuditDetails);
        vulnNaiAuditDetailsMap.put(vulnNaiAuditDetails.getAppCompVulnKey(), vulnNaiAuditDetails);
    return vulnNaiAuditDetailsMap;

From source file:tds.assessment.repositories.impl.AssessmentQueryRepositoryImpl.java

public Optional<Assessment> findAssessmentByKey(final String clientName, final String assessmentKey) {
    /*/*from w w w .  j av a2  s. co  m*/
    This method fetches the base assessment object
    1. itembank.tblsetofadminsubjects - contains the structure of the assessment and segment along with some metadata
    2. configs.client_testproperties - contains client specific information for the assessment
    3. configs.client_segmentproperties - contains client specific information for segments (if the assessment is segmented)
    4. itembank.tblsubject - subject information for the assessment (i.e. MATH, ELA)

    SqlParameterSource parameters = new MapSqlParameterSource("key", assessmentKey).addValue("clientName",

    String SQL = ASSESSMENT_SELECT_SQL + "FROM \n" + "   itembank.tblsetofadminsubjects A \n" + "JOIN \n"
            + "   configs.client_testproperties CT \n" + "   ON CT.testid = A.testid \n "
            + "   OR CT.testid = (\n" + "       SELECT parentTsa.testid \n"
            + "       FROM itembank.tblsetofadminsubjects tsa \n"
            + "       JOIN itembank.tblsetofadminsubjects parentTsa ON tsa.virtualtest = parentTsa._key \n"
            + "       WHERE tsa._key = A._key \n" + "   ) \n" + "LEFT JOIN \n"
            + "   configs.client_segmentproperties SP \n" + "   ON SP.segmentid = A.testid \n"
            + "   AND SP.clientName = :clientName \n" + "JOIN \n" + "   itembank.tblclient CL \n"
            + "   ON (CL.name = SP.clientname OR CL.name = CT.clientname) \n" + "LEFT JOIN \n"
            + "   itembank.tbltestadmin TA \n" + "   ON TA._fk_client = CL._key \n" + "LEFT JOIN \n"
            + "   itembank.tblsubject S \n" + "   ON S._key = A._fk_Subject \n" + "WHERE \n"
            + "   (A.virtualtest = :key OR A._key = :key) \n"
            + "   AND (CT.clientname = :clientName OR SP.clientname = :clientName) \n" + "ORDER BY  \n"
            + "   assessmentKey DESC, \n" + "   A.testPosition";

    List<Map<String, Object>> rows = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(SQL, parameters);
    Optional<Assessment> maybeAssessment = Optional.empty();

    if (rows.isEmpty()) {
        logger.debug("Could not find an Assessment in tblsetofadminsubjects using key = '%s'", assessmentKey);
    } else {
        maybeAssessment = assessmentMapper.mapResults(rows);

    return maybeAssessment;

From source file:com.daugherty.e2c.persistence.data.jdbc.JdbcSupplierDao.java

public String loadSupplierIdMatchingLegacyId(Long legacyId) {
    LOGGER.debug("Looking up product ID matching legacy id " + legacyId);
    String sql = getSql("supplier/load-id-matching-legacy-id.sql");
    SqlParameterSource parameterSource = new MapSqlParameterSource("legacyId", legacyId);
    return jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql, parameterSource, String.class);

From source file:org.mulima.internal.freedb.FreeDbJdbcDaoImpl.java

 * Gets the tracks for the disc id.//from w  ww.j ava2s .co m
 * @param id the id of the disc
 * @return the list of tracks
private List<Track> getTracksForDisc(int id) {
    final String sql = "SELECT * FROM `tracks` WHERE `disc_id`=:id";
    SqlParameterSource parms = new MapSqlParameterSource("id", id);
    return this.getNamedParameterJdbcTemplate().query(sql, parms, new TrackRowMapper());

From source file:tds.assessment.repositories.impl.AssessmentQueryRepositoryImplIntegrationTests.java

public void setUp() {

    String tblClientInsertSQL = "INSERT INTO tblclient VALUES (1,'SBAC_PT',NULL,'/usr/local/tomcat/resources/tds/');";

    String tblSubjectInsertSQL = "INSERT INTO tblsubject VALUES ('ELA','','SBAC_PT-ELA',1,8185,NULL);";

    // Non-segmented, test
    String tblSetOfAdminSubjectsInsertSQL1 = "INSERT INTO itembank.tblsetofadminsubjects VALUES ('(SBAC_PT)IRP-Perf-ELA-11-Summer-2015-2016','SBAC_PT', 'SBAC_PT-ELA','IRP-Perf-ELA-11',"
            + "0,1,4,4,1,1,3,7,1,4,NULL,'virtual',NULL,5,1,20,1,5,NULL,NULL,1,1,2112,1184,5,0,'Oregon',NULL,'ABILITY',NULL,1,NULL,1,1,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,"
            + "0,'bp1',NULL,NULL,'summative');";
    // Segmented test assessment
    String tblSetOfAdminSubjectsInsertSQL2 = "INSERT INTO itembank.tblsetofadminsubjects VALUES ('(SBAC_PT)SBAC-Mathematics-8-Spring-2013-2015','SBAC_PT', 'SBAC_PT-ELA','SBAC-Mathematics-8',"
            + "0,1,4,4,1,1,NULL,NULL,0,0,NULL,'virtual',NULL,5,1,20,1,5,NULL,NULL,1,1,8185,8185,5,0,'SBAC_PT',NULL,'ABILITY',NULL,1,NULL,1,1,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,"
            + "0,'bp1',NULL,NULL,'summative');";
    // Segment 1/*from  w w  w . j  av  a2  s. co m*/
    String tblSetOfAdminSubjectsInsertSQL2a = "INSERT INTO itembank.tblsetofadminsubjects VALUES ('(SBAC_PT)SBAC-SEG1-MATH-8-Spring-2013-2015','SBAC_PT', 'SBAC_PT-ELA','SBAC-SEG1-MATH-8',"
            + "0,1,4,4,1,1,3,6,2,3,NULL,'fixedform',NULL,5,1,20,1,5,'(SBAC_PT)SBAC-Mathematics-8-Spring-2013-2015',1,0,1,8185,8185,5,0,'SBAC_PT',NULL,'ABILITY',NULL,1,NULL,1,1,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,"
            + "0,'bp1',NULL,NULL,'summative');";
    // Segment2
    String tblSetOfAdminSubjectsInsertSQL2b = "INSERT INTO itembank.tblsetofadminsubjects VALUES ('(SBAC_PT)SBAC-SEG2-MATH-8-Spring-2013-2015','SBAC_PT', 'SBAC_PT-ELA','SBAC-SEG2-MATH-8',"
            + "0,1,4,4,1,1,7,11,1,4,NULL,'fixedform',NULL,5,1,20,1,5,'(SBAC_PT)SBAC-Mathematics-8-Spring-2013-2015',2,0,1,8185,8185,5,0,'SBAC_PT',NULL,'ABILITY',NULL,1,NULL,1,1,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,"
            + "0,'bp1',NULL,NULL,'summative');";
    // Segment2 - SBAC client
    String tblSetOfAdminSubjectsSBACInsertSQL = "INSERT INTO itembank.tblsetofadminsubjects VALUES ('(SBAC)SBAC-SEG2-MATH-8-Spring-2013-2015','SBAC', 'SBAC-ELA','SBAC-SEG2-MATH-8',"
            + "0,1,4,4,1,1,NULL,NULL,1,4,NULL,'fixedform',NULL,5,1,20,1,5,'(SBAC)SBAC-Mathematics-8-Spring-2013-2015',2,0,1,8185,8185,5,0,'SBAC_PT',NULL,'ABILITY',NULL,1,NULL,1,1,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,"
            + "0,'bp1',NULL,NULL,'summative');";

    final String itemConstraintsInsertSql = "INSERT INTO \n"
            + "   configs.client_test_itemconstraint(clientname, testid, propname, propvalue, tooltype, toolvalue, item_in) \n"
            + "VALUES \n"
            + "   ('SBAC_PT', 'IRP-Perf-ELA-11', '--ITEMTYPE--', 'ER', 'Item Types Exclusion', 'TDS_ItemTypeExcl_ER', 0), \n"
            + "   ('SBAC_PT', 'IRP-Perf-ELA-11', '--ITEMTYPE--', 'MI', 'Item Types Exclusion', 'TDS_ItemTypeExcl_MI', 0), \n"
            + "   ('SBAC_PT', 'IRP-Perf-ELA-11', '--ITEMTYPE--', 'WER', 'Item Types Exclusion', 'TDS_ItemTypeExcl_WER', 0), \n"
            + "   ('SBAC_PT', 'IRP-Perf-ELA-11', 'Language', 'ENU', 'Language', 'ENU', 1), \n"
            + "   ('SBAC_PT', 'IRP-Perf-ELA-3', '--ITEMTYPE--', 'ER', 'Item Types Exclusion', 'TDS_ItemTypeExcl_ER', 0), \n"
            + "   ('SBAC_PT', 'IRP-Perf-ELA-3', '--ITEMTYPE--', 'MI', 'Item Types Exclusion', 'TDS_ItemTypeExcl_MI', 0), \n"
            + "   ('SBAC_PT', 'IRP-Perf-ELA-3', '--ITEMTYPE--', 'WER', 'Item Types Exclusion', 'TDS_ItemTypeExcl_WER', 0), \n"
            + "   ('SBAC_PT', 'IRP-Perf-ELA-3', 'Language', 'ENU', 'Language', 'ENU', 1)";

    SqlParameterSource parameters = new MapSqlParameterSource("ftstartDate",
    final String clientTestPropertiesInsertSQL = "INSERT INTO configs.client_testproperties (clientname, testid, ftstartdate, accommodationfamily, maxopportunities, abilityslope, abilityintercept, initialabilitybysubject, prefetch, validatecompleteness, deleteUnansweredItems, label, msb, handscoreproject, subjectname) VALUES "
            + "('SBAC_PT', 'IRP-Perf-ELA-11', :ftstartDate, 'family', 99, 1.5, 2.3, 1, 2, 1, 0, 'Grade 11 ELA Perf', 1, 1234, 'ELA'), \n"
            + "('SBAC_PT', 'SBAC-Mathematics-8', :ftstartDate, 'otherFamily', 95, 5.5, 6.3, 0, 2, 1, 0, 'Grade 8 Math', 0, 4321, 'MATH');\n";

    SqlParameterSource segPropsParams = new MapSqlParameterSource("ftstartdate",
    final String clientSegmentPropertiesInsertSQL = "INSERT INTO configs.client_segmentproperties (ispermeable, clientname, entryapproval, exitapproval, itemreview, segmentid, segmentposition, parenttest, ftstartdate, ftenddate, label, modekey) VALUES "
            + "(1, 'SBAC_PT', 0, 0, 0, 'SBAC-SEG1-MATH-8', 1, 'SBAC-Mathematics-8', :ftstartdate, :ftenddate, 'Grade 8 MATH segment', '(SBAC_PT)SBAC-Mathematics-8-Spring-2013-2015'), \n"
            + "(1, 'SBAC_PT', 0, 0, 0, 'SBAC-SEG2-MATH-8', 2, 'SBAC-Mathematics-8', :ftstartdate, :ftenddate, 'Grade 8 MATH segment', '(SBAC_PT)SBAC-Mathematics-8-Spring-2013-2015')";

    final String tblTestAdminInsertSQL = "INSERT INTO itembank.tbltestadmin (schoolyear, season, _key, _fk_client) "
            + "VALUES ('2112-2113', 'winter', 'SBAC_PT', 1)";

    final String testToolTypeInsertSQL = "INSERT INTO configs.client_testtooltype (clientname, context, contexttype, toolname, allowchange, rtsfieldname, isrequired, isselectable, dateentered, testmode) "
            + "VALUES ('SBAC_PT', 'IRP-Perf-ELA-11', 'TEST', 'Language', 0, 'rts', 1, 0, now(), 'ALL'), "
            + "('SBAC_PT', 'SBAC-Mathematics-8', 'TEST', 'Language', 0, 'rts', 1, 0, now(), 'ALL');";
    final String testToolInsertSQL = "INSERT INTO configs.client_testtool (clientname, context, contexttype, type, code, value, isdefault, allowcombine, testmode) "
            + "VALUES ('SBAC_PT', 'IRP-Perf-ELA-11', 'TEST', 'Language', 'ENU', 'ENU', 1, 0, 'ALL'), "
            + "('SBAC_PT', 'IRP-Perf-ELA-11', 'TEST', 'Language', 'FRN', 'FRN', 1, 0, 'ALL'), "
            + "('SBAC_PT', 'SBAC-Mathematics-8', 'TEST', 'Language', 'ENU', 'ENU', 1, 0, 'ALL');";
    final String setOfTestGradesInsertSql = "INSERT INTO itembank.setoftestgrades (testid, grade, _fk_adminsubject, _key) "
            + "VALUES ('IRP-Perf-ELA-11', '3', '(SBAC_PT)IRP-Perf-ELA-11-Summer-2015-2016', 0x8ebc29966a52401b952e45b1a2d08e3f), "
            + "('IRP-Perf-ELA-11', '11', '(SBAC_PT)IRP-Perf-ELA-11-Summer-2015-2016', 0x8ebc29966a52401b952e45b1a2d08e3e),"
            + "('SBAC-Mathematics-8', 'Kindergarden', '(SBAC_PT)SBAC-Mathematics-8-Spring-2013-2015', 0x8ebc29966a52401b952e45b1a2d08e3c)";

    jdbcTemplate.update(itemConstraintsInsertSql, new MapSqlParameterSource());
    jdbcTemplate.update(tblClientInsertSQL, new MapSqlParameterSource());
    jdbcTemplate.update(tblSubjectInsertSQL, new MapSqlParameterSource());
    jdbcTemplate.update(tblSetOfAdminSubjectsInsertSQL1, new MapSqlParameterSource());
    jdbcTemplate.update(tblSetOfAdminSubjectsInsertSQL2, new MapSqlParameterSource());
    jdbcTemplate.update(tblSetOfAdminSubjectsInsertSQL2a, new MapSqlParameterSource());
    jdbcTemplate.update(tblSetOfAdminSubjectsInsertSQL2b, new MapSqlParameterSource());
    jdbcTemplate.update(tblSetOfAdminSubjectsSBACInsertSQL, new MapSqlParameterSource());
    jdbcTemplate.update(clientTestPropertiesInsertSQL, parameters);
    jdbcTemplate.update(clientSegmentPropertiesInsertSQL, segPropsParams);
    jdbcTemplate.update(tblTestAdminInsertSQL, new MapSqlParameterSource());
    jdbcTemplate.update(testToolTypeInsertSQL, new MapSqlParameterSource());
    jdbcTemplate.update(testToolInsertSQL, new MapSqlParameterSource());
    jdbcTemplate.update(setOfTestGradesInsertSql, new MapSqlParameterSource());

From source file:io.lavagna.service.CardRepository.java

@Transactional(readOnly = false)
private void moveLastCardAtTop(int lastCardId, int columnId) {
    SqlParameterSource updateParam = new MapSqlParameterSource("columnId", columnId)
            .addValue("cardId", lastCardId).addValue("cardOrder", 0);
    jdbc.update(queries.updateCardOrder(), updateParam);

From source file:com.eu.evaluation.server.service.impl.eva.UpAndDownEvaluate.java

 * ??/*from   w  ww.  j  a  v  a  2  s  .  c  o m*/
 * @param ev
 * @param instanceID ??ID
 * @return
private Long countUp(UpAndDownEvlauateItemHistory ev, AccessSystem accessSystem, String instanceID) {
    //??or.self = ?or.parent = 
    ObjectRelation or = objectRelationDAO.findByParent(ev.getObjectDictionary().getInstanceClass(),

    if (or == null) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
                "?? = "
                        + ev.getObjectDictionary().getDisplayname() + " ;  = "
                        + ev.getUpEntity().getDisplayname() + "?");

    String jpql = "select count(*) from {0} t where t.id = :id and t.evaluateVersion.id = :evid and t.position = :position and exists (select 1 from {1} p where p.evaluateVersion.id = t.evaluateVersion.id and p.position = t.position and p.id = t.{2}";
    if (or.isSimpleProperty()) {//??p.id = t.field?
        jpql += ")";
    } else {//???p.id = t.field.id?
        jpql += ".id)";
    jpql = MessageFormat.format(jpql,
            new Object[] { or.getSelfClass(), or.getRelationClass(), or.getPropertyName() });
    MapSqlParameterSource params = new MapSqlParameterSource("id", instanceID);
    params.addValue("evid", ev.getEvaluateVersion().getId());
    params.addValue("position", accessSystem.getCode());

    logger.debug("sql" + jpql + "\n; ? = " + instanceID);
    return defaultDAO.executeCount(jpql, params);