Example usage for org.springframework.web.servlet.support ServletUriComponentsBuilder fromCurrentRequestUri

List of usage examples for org.springframework.web.servlet.support ServletUriComponentsBuilder fromCurrentRequestUri


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.web.servlet.support ServletUriComponentsBuilder fromCurrentRequestUri.


public static ServletUriComponentsBuilder fromCurrentRequestUri() 

Source Link


Same as #fromRequestUri(HttpServletRequest) except the request is obtained through RequestContextHolder .


From source file:net.es.sense.rm.api.SenseRmController.java

 * Returns the delta resource identified by deltaId that is associated with model identified by id within the Resource
 * Manager./*from w ww. j ava2s .co m*/
 * @param accept Provides media types that are acceptable for the response. At the moment 'application/json' is the
 * supported response encoding.
 * @param ifModifiedSince The HTTP request may contain the If-Modified-Since header requesting all models with
 * creationTime after the specified date. The date must be specified in RFC 1123 format.
 * @param encode
 * @param model This versions detailed topology model in the requested format (TURTLE, etc.). To optimize transfer
 * the contents of this model element should be gzipped (contentType="application/x-gzip") and base64 encoded
 * (contentTransferEncoding="base64"). This will reduce the transfer size and encapsulate the original model contents.
 * @param id Identifier of the target topology model resource.
 * @param deltaId Identifier of the target delta resource.
 * @return A RESTful response.
@ApiOperation(value = "Get a specific SENSE topology model resource.", notes = "Returns SENSE topology model resource corresponding to the specified resource id.", response = DeltaResource.class)
@ApiResponses(value = {
        @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.OK_CODE, message = HttpConstants.OK_DELTA_MSG, response = DeltaResource.class, responseHeaders = {
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class),
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_NAME, description = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_DESC, response = String.class) }),
        @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.NOT_MODIFIED, message = HttpConstants.NOT_MODIFIED_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class),
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_NAME, description = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_DESC, response = String.class) }),
        @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.BAD_REQUEST_CODE, message = HttpConstants.BAD_REQUEST_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
        @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.FORBIDDEN_CODE, message = HttpConstants.FORBIDDEN_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
        @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.NOT_FOUND_CODE, message = HttpConstants.NOT_FOUND_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
        @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.NOT_ACCEPTABLE_CODE, message = HttpConstants.NOT_ACCEPTABLE_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
        @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.INTERNAL_ERROR_CODE, message = HttpConstants.INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }), })
@RequestMapping(value = "/models/{" + HttpConstants.ID_NAME + "}/deltas/{" + HttpConstants.DELTAID_NAME
        + "}", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = { MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE })
public ResponseEntity<?> getModelDelta(
        @RequestHeader(value = HttpConstants.ACCEPT_NAME, defaultValue = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.ACCEPT_MSG, required = false) String accept,
        @RequestHeader(value = HttpConstants.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE_NAME, defaultValue = HttpConstants.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE_DEFAULT) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE_MSG, required = false) String ifModifiedSince,
        @RequestParam(value = HttpConstants.MODEL_NAME, defaultValue = HttpConstants.MODEL_TURTLE) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.MODEL_MSG, required = false) String model,
        @RequestParam(value = HttpConstants.ENCODE_NAME, defaultValue = "false") @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.ENCODE_MSG, required = false) boolean encode,
        @PathVariable(HttpConstants.ID_NAME) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.ID_MSG, required = true) String id,
        @PathVariable(HttpConstants.DELTAID_NAME) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.DELTAID_MSG, required = true) String deltaId) {

    // Get the requested resource URL.
    final URI location = ServletUriComponentsBuilder.fromCurrentRequestUri().build().toUri();

            "[SenseRmController] operation = {}, id = {}, deltaId = {}, accept = {}, ifModifiedSince = {}, model = {}",
            location, id, deltaId, accept, ifModifiedSince, model);

    // Parse the If-Modified-Since header if it is present.
    long ifms = parseIfModfiedSince(ifModifiedSince);

    final HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
    headers.add("Content-Location", location.toASCIIString());

    try {
        DeltaResponse response = driver.getDelta(deltaId, model, ifms).get();
        if (response == null || response.getStatus() != Status.OK) {
            return toResponseEntity(headers, response);

        DeltaResource d = response.getDelta().get();

        log.info("[SenseRmController] deltaId = {}, lastModified = {}, If-Modified-Since = {}", d.getId(),
                d.getLastModified(), ifModifiedSince);

        long lastModified = XmlUtilities.xmlGregorianCalendar(d.getLastModified()).toGregorianCalendar()

        if (encode) {


                "[SenseRmController] getDelta returning id = {}, creationTime = {}, queried If-Modified-Since = {}.",
                d.getId(), d.getLastModified(), ifModifiedSince);

        return new ResponseEntity<>(d, headers, HttpStatus.OK);
    } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException | IOException | DatatypeConfigurationException ex) {
        log.error("getDelta failed, ex = {}", ex);
        Error error = Error.builder().error(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.getReasonPhrase())
        return new ResponseEntity<>(error, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);

From source file:net.es.sense.rm.api.SenseRmController.java

 * ***********************************************************************
 * POST /api/sense/v1/models/{id}/deltas
 * *********************************************************************** @param accept
 * @param accept//w ww . jav a  2 s  . com
 * @param deltaRequest
 * @param model
 * @param id
 * @return
@ApiOperation(value = "Submits a proposed model delta to the Resource Manager based on the model identified by id.", notes = "The Resource Manager must verify the proposed model change, confirming (201 Created), rejecting (500 Internal Server Error), or proposing an optional counter-offer (200 OK).", response = DeltaResource.class)
@ApiResponses(value = {
        @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.OK_CODE, message = HttpConstants.OK_DELTA_COUNTER_MSG, response = DeltaRequest.class, responseHeaders = {
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class),
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_NAME, description = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_DESC, response = String.class) }),
        @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.CREATED_CODE, message = HttpConstants.CREATED_MSG, response = DeltaResource.class, responseHeaders = {
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class),
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_NAME, description = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_DESC, response = String.class) }),
        @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.BAD_REQUEST_CODE, message = HttpConstants.BAD_REQUEST_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
        @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.FORBIDDEN_CODE, message = HttpConstants.FORBIDDEN_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
        @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.NOT_FOUND_CODE, message = HttpConstants.NOT_FOUND_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
        @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.NOT_ACCEPTABLE_CODE, message = HttpConstants.NOT_ACCEPTABLE_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
        @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.CONFLICT_CODE, message = HttpConstants.CONFLICT_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
        @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.INTERNAL_ERROR_CODE, message = HttpConstants.INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }), })
@RequestMapping(value = "/models/{" + HttpConstants.ID_NAME
        + "}/deltas", method = RequestMethod.POST, consumes = {
                MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE }, produces = { MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE })
public ResponseEntity<?> propagateModelDelta(
        @RequestHeader(value = HttpConstants.ACCEPT_NAME, defaultValue = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.ACCEPT_MSG, required = false) String accept,
        @RequestParam(value = HttpConstants.MODEL_NAME, defaultValue = HttpConstants.MODEL_TURTLE) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.MODEL_MSG, required = false) String model,
        @PathVariable(HttpConstants.ID_NAME) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.ID_MSG, required = true) String id,
        @RequestBody @ApiParam(value = "A JSON structure-containing the model reduction and/or addition "
                + " elements. If provided, the model reduction element is applied first, "
                + " followed by the model addition element.", required = true) DeltaRequest deltaRequest) {

    log.info("propagateModelDelta: {}", deltaRequest);

    DeltaResource delta = new DeltaResource();
            "H4sIACKIo1cAA+1Y32/aMBB+56+I6NtUx0loVZEV1K6bpkm0m5Y+7NWNTbCa2JEdCP3vZydULYUEh0CnQXlC+O6+O/ u7X1ylgozp3BJ4LH3rcpJlqQ9hnud23rO5iKDnOA50XKgEgAwnJEEnQ8vuXC30eB5XqXnQuYDqfEl+LnGVvAv/3I6CVQiFv FbF7ff7UKF4Hiice2IZmgMml5RZ8sq/0n9p82hcWFCHCtjtQacHH5AkS5qJkNWa6rDUdD2Y8ZTHPHoqtDudy6lgvpLzGclyL h59zBNE2YBIW/0y7FhvPqjw8X5h5LS40TuUEPyDYTqjeIpi6/OKltZ5IDFnkbzn1gqmxMxO0DyiEUp5qoGfj4YVxiZIfqGYCh JmlDMU/+IiW7W7FIvPOCYDOWUMhOLcT5XG4AJ60PVjyh4HKPbk8NTIBmIxSIRXmpgT4EAXOqWVT4YmwgkNX9w4V wZeu1EddEDEjIZkE4YyktNMgbCoyhhTj2Z1vwVK3PoZ3Fz/DqyvN3ddTYoq49o3bd6mLCNCffFsgqeHwZH1sS04gxmQua 3fbI1I8YIkm5xDr3xCInXmVPPAAEqztAaqtwQFtHQ7vBzJiQmeeoAW5KxwxJisP57VrOuRF2xB1ZZ37M9ixIBALCLrSG9ct 0dI8fy74NN02CQ5Yq2WPaVkE5KqaQ5UIRRRnWinq+51huIpkVbXA2dO/6ztjTZhUUXRWEnYHVUPcwY2zaOafHh553fKz dcErXCLyuuYIlnpEBYo4quVVvtzezO6K2Fd0AMG/arMWuoBLQTcWnqZ9tcNOahhX679/8muNX27IrrgWWBRbZvESFjIsV LdXYhHOYcVVAlylKb6LrtjFEvStnY2Gi4ONAn2Mxh9dJr3mYi2bDjmRWHHXaYe7N+wZk0b2FTH2rHC+EJ28NL7Se9aVp Ry9ZwwyNTDa8Uf627LdXcfM8CWk/4BTQBblaMDjb92ND2C+Gun+yNsz6ZbcdPuLBSQfLvwJ1QggDPmF6Uo5IyVt+rnCq es+AaNt7cbsh/jaxtn//6GsWYDgAEdvHddkj8Wv/3/+bCDnW+rf2DW7Xx/ASQO0KQcHgAA");
    URI deltaURI;
    try {
        deltaURI = new URI("http://localhost:8080/sense/v1/deltas/922f4388-c8f6-4014-b6ce-5482289b0200");
    } catch (URISyntaxException ex) {
        Error error = new Error(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.toString(), ex.getLocalizedMessage(), null);
        return new ResponseEntity<>(error, null, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);

    final URI location = ServletUriComponentsBuilder.fromCurrentRequestUri().build().toUri();

    log.error("URL: " + location.toASCIIString());

    //return Response.created(deltaURI).entity(getProxy().serialize(delta)).build();
    final HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
    return new ResponseEntity<>(delta, headers, HttpStatus.CREATED);

From source file:net.es.sense.rm.api.SenseRmController.java

 * Returns a collection of delta resources.
 * Operation: GET /api/sense/v1/deltas//from w w  w.  j a v a2s. c  o m
 * @param accept Provides media types that are acceptable for the response. At the moment 'application/json' is the
 * supported response encoding.
 * @param ifModifiedSince The HTTP request may contain the If-Modified-Since header requesting all models with
 * creationTime after the specified date. The date must be specified in RFC 1123 format.
 * @param summary If summary=true then a summary collection of delta resources will be returned including the delta
meta-data while excluding the addition, reduction, and m elements. Default value is summary=true.
 * @param encode
 * @param model If model=turtle then the returned addition, reduction, and m elements will contain the full
topology model in a TURTLE representation. Default value is model=turtle.
 * @return A RESTful response.
@ApiOperation(value = "Get a collection of accepted delta resources.", notes = "Returns a collection of available delta resources.", response = DeltaResource.class, responseContainer = "List")
@ApiResponses(value = {
        @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.OK_CODE, message = HttpConstants.OK_DELTAS_MSG, response = DeltaResource.class, responseContainer = "List", responseHeaders = {
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class),
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_NAME, description = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_DESC, response = String.class) }),
        @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.NOT_MODIFIED, message = HttpConstants.NOT_MODIFIED_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class),
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_NAME, description = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_DESC, response = String.class) }),
        @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.BAD_REQUEST_CODE, message = HttpConstants.BAD_REQUEST_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
        @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.FORBIDDEN_CODE, message = HttpConstants.FORBIDDEN_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
        @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.NOT_FOUND_CODE, message = HttpConstants.NOT_FOUND_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
        @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.NOT_ACCEPTABLE_CODE, message = HttpConstants.NOT_ACCEPTABLE_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
        @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.INTERNAL_ERROR_CODE, message = HttpConstants.INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }), })
@RequestMapping(value = "/deltas", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = { MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE })
@ResourceAnnotation(name = "deltas", version = "v1")
public ResponseEntity<?> getDeltas(
        @RequestHeader(value = HttpConstants.ACCEPT_NAME, defaultValue = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.ACCEPT_MSG, required = false) String accept,
        @RequestHeader(value = HttpConstants.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE_NAME, defaultValue = HttpConstants.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE_DEFAULT) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE_MSG, required = false) String ifModifiedSince,
        @RequestParam(value = HttpConstants.SUMMARY_NAME, defaultValue = "false") @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.SUMMARY_MSG, required = false) boolean summary,
        @RequestParam(value = HttpConstants.MODEL_NAME, defaultValue = HttpConstants.MODEL_TURTLE) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.MODEL_MSG, required = false) String model,
        @RequestParam(value = HttpConstants.ENCODE_NAME, defaultValue = "false") @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.ENCODE_MSG, required = false) boolean encode) {

    // We need the request URL to build fully qualified resource URLs.
    final URI location = ServletUriComponentsBuilder.fromCurrentRequestUri().build().toUri();

    log.info("[SenseRmController] GET operation = {}, accept = {}, If-Modified-Since = {}, current = {}, "
            + "summary = {}, model = {}", location, accept, ifModifiedSince, summary, model);

    // Parse the If-Modified-Since header if it is present.
    long ifms = parseIfModfiedSince(ifModifiedSince);

    // Populate the content location header with our URL location.
    final HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
    headers.add("Content-Location", location.toASCIIString());

    try {
        // Track matching deltas here.
        List<DeltaResource> deltas = new ArrayList<>();

        // Keep track of the most recently updated delta date.
        long newest = 0;

        // Query the driver for a list of deltas.
        DeltasResponse response = driver.getDeltas(model, ifms).get();
        if (response == null || response.getStatus() != Status.OK) {
            return toResponseEntity(headers, response);

        // The requester asked for a list of models so apply any filtering criteria.
        for (DeltaResource d : response.getDeltas()) {
            long lastModified = XmlUtilities.xmlGregorianCalendar(d.getLastModified()).toGregorianCalendar()

            log.info("[SenseRmController] delta id = {}, lastModified = {}, If-Modified-Since = {}", d.getId(),
                    d.getLastModified(), ifModifiedSince);

            // Create the unique resource URL.
            d.setHref(UrlHelper.append(location.toASCIIString(), d.getId()));

            // If summary results are requested we do not return the model.
            if (summary) {
            } else {
                // If they requested an encoded transfer we will encode the model contents.
                if (encode) {

            // Save this model and update If-Modified-Since with the creation time.

            if (lastModified > newest) {
                newest = lastModified;

        // Update the LastModified header with the value of the newest model.

        // We have success so return the models we have found.
        return new ResponseEntity<>(deltas, headers, HttpStatus.OK);
    } catch (InterruptedException | IOException | DatatypeConfigurationException | IllegalArgumentException
            | ExecutionException ex) {
        log.error("[SenseRmController] getDeltas failed, ex = {}", ex);
        Error error = Error.builder().error(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.getReasonPhrase())
        return new ResponseEntity<>(error, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);

From source file:net.es.sense.rm.api.SenseRmController.java

 * Returns the delta resource identified by deltaId.
 * Operation: GET /api/sense/v1/deltas/{deltaId}
 * @param accept Provides media types that are acceptable for the response. At the moment 'application/json' is the
 * supported response encoding./*from www.  j  a  v a2s.  c o m*/
 * @param summary
 * @param ifModifiedSince The HTTP request may contain the If-Modified-Since header requesting all models with
 * creationTime after the specified date. The date must be specified in RFC 1123 format.
 * @param encode
 * @param model Specifies the model encoding to use (i.e. turtle, ttl, json-ld, etc).
 * @param deltaId Identifier of the target delta resource.
 * @return A RESTful response.
@ApiOperation(value = "Get a specific SENSE topology model resource.", notes = "Returns SENSE topology model resource corresponding to the specified resource id.", response = DeltaResource.class)
@ApiResponses(value = {
        @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.OK_CODE, message = HttpConstants.OK_DELTA_MSG, response = DeltaResource.class, responseHeaders = {
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class),
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_NAME, description = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_DESC, response = String.class) }),
        @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.NOT_MODIFIED, message = HttpConstants.NOT_MODIFIED_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class),
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_NAME, description = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_DESC, response = String.class) }),
        @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.BAD_REQUEST_CODE, message = HttpConstants.BAD_REQUEST_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
        @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.FORBIDDEN_CODE, message = HttpConstants.FORBIDDEN_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
        @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.NOT_FOUND_CODE, message = HttpConstants.NOT_FOUND_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
        @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.NOT_ACCEPTABLE_CODE, message = HttpConstants.NOT_ACCEPTABLE_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
        @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.INTERNAL_ERROR_CODE, message = HttpConstants.INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }), })
@RequestMapping(value = "/deltas/{" + HttpConstants.DELTAID_NAME + "}", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = {
public ResponseEntity<?> getDelta(
        @RequestHeader(value = HttpConstants.ACCEPT_NAME, defaultValue = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.ACCEPT_MSG, required = false) String accept,
        @RequestHeader(value = HttpConstants.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE_NAME, required = false) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE_MSG, required = false) String ifModifiedSince,
        @RequestParam(value = HttpConstants.SUMMARY_NAME, defaultValue = "false") @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.SUMMARY_MSG, required = false) boolean summary,
        @RequestParam(value = HttpConstants.MODEL_NAME, defaultValue = HttpConstants.MODEL_TURTLE) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.MODEL_MSG, required = false) String model,
        @RequestParam(value = HttpConstants.ENCODE_NAME, defaultValue = "false") @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.ENCODE_MSG, required = false) boolean encode,
        @PathVariable(HttpConstants.DELTAID_NAME) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.DELTAID_MSG, required = true) String deltaId) {

    // Get the requested resource URL.
    final URI location = ServletUriComponentsBuilder.fromCurrentRequestUri().build().toUri();

    log.info("[SenseRmController] operation = {}, id = {}, accept = {}, ifModifiedSince = {}, model = {}",
            location, deltaId, accept, ifModifiedSince, model);

    // Parse the If-Modified-Since header if it is present.
    long ifms = parseIfModfiedSince(ifModifiedSince);

    // We need to return the current location of this resource in the response header.
    final HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
    headers.add("Content-Location", location.toASCIIString());

    try {
        // Query for the requested delta.
        DeltaResponse response = driver.getDelta(deltaId, model, ifms).get();
        if (response == null || response.getStatus() != Status.OK) {
            return toResponseEntity(headers, response);

        DeltaResource d = response.getDelta().get();

        log.info("[SenseRmController] deltaId = {}, lastModified = {}, If-Modified-Since = {}", d.getId(),
                d.getLastModified(), ifModifiedSince);

        // Determine when this was last modified.
        long lastModified = XmlUtilities.xmlGregorianCalendar(d.getLastModified()).toGregorianCalendar()

        // Do we need to return this delta?
        if (lastModified <= ifms) {
            log.info("[SenseRmController] returning not modified, deltaId = {}", d.getId());
            return new ResponseEntity<>(headers, HttpStatus.NOT_MODIFIED);

        if (summary) {
            // If a summary resource view was requested we do not send back any models.
        } else if (encode) {
            // Compress and base64 encode the model contents if requested.

                "[SenseRmController] getDelta returning id = {}, creationTime = {}, queried If-Modified-Since = {}.",
                d.getId(), d.getLastModified(), ifModifiedSince);
        return new ResponseEntity<>(d, headers, HttpStatus.OK);
    } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException | IOException | DatatypeConfigurationException ex) {
        log.error("[SenseRmController] getDelta failed, deltaId = {}, ex = {}", deltaId, ex);
        Error error = Error.builder().error(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.getReasonPhrase())

        return new ResponseEntity<>(error, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);

From source file:net.es.sense.rm.api.SenseRmController.java

 * Submits a proposed model delta to the Resource Manager based on the model
 * identified by modelId within the deltaRequest.
 * Operation: POST /api/sense/v1/deltas// w  w w  .j av  a2  s .  c  om
 * @param accept
 * @param deltaRequest
 * @param encode
 * @param model
 * @return
 * @throws java.net.URISyntaxException
@ApiOperation(value = "Submits a proposed model delta to the Resource Manager based on the model "
        + "identified by id.", notes = "The Resource Manager must verify the proposed model change, confirming "
                + "(201 Created), rejecting (500 Internal Server Error), or proposing an "
                + "optional counter-offer (200 OK).", response = DeltaResource.class)
@ApiResponses(value = {
        @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.OK_CODE, message = HttpConstants.OK_DELTA_COUNTER_MSG, response = DeltaRequest.class, responseHeaders = {
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class),
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_NAME, description = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_DESC, response = String.class) }),
        @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.CREATED_CODE, message = HttpConstants.CREATED_MSG, response = DeltaResource.class, responseHeaders = {
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class),
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_NAME, description = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_DESC, response = String.class) }),
        @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.BAD_REQUEST_CODE, message = HttpConstants.BAD_REQUEST_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
        @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.FORBIDDEN_CODE, message = HttpConstants.FORBIDDEN_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
        @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.NOT_FOUND_CODE, message = HttpConstants.NOT_FOUND_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
        @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.NOT_ACCEPTABLE_CODE, message = HttpConstants.NOT_ACCEPTABLE_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
        @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.CONFLICT_CODE, message = HttpConstants.CONFLICT_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
        @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.INTERNAL_ERROR_CODE, message = HttpConstants.INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }), })
@RequestMapping(value = "/deltas", method = RequestMethod.POST, consumes = {
        MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE }, produces = { MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE })
public ResponseEntity<?> propagateDelta(
        @RequestHeader(value = HttpConstants.ACCEPT_NAME, defaultValue = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.ACCEPT_MSG, required = false) String accept,
        @RequestParam(value = HttpConstants.MODEL_NAME, defaultValue = HttpConstants.MODEL_TURTLE) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.MODEL_MSG, required = false) String model,
        @RequestParam(value = HttpConstants.ENCODE_NAME, defaultValue = "false") @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.ENCODE_MSG, required = false) boolean encode,
        @RequestBody @ApiParam(value = "A JSON structure-containing the model reduction and/or addition "
                + " elements. If provided, the model reduction element is applied first, "
                + " followed by the model addition element.", required = true) DeltaRequest deltaRequest)
        throws URISyntaxException {

    final URI location = ServletUriComponentsBuilder.fromCurrentRequestUri().build().toUri();

            "[SenseRmController] POST operation = {}, accept = {}, deltaId = {}, modelId = {}, deltaRequest = {}",
            location, accept, deltaRequest.getId(), model, deltaRequest);

    // If the requester did not specify a delta id then we need to create one.
    if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(deltaRequest.getId())) {
        log.info("[SenseRmController] assigning delta id = {}", deltaRequest.getId());

    try {
        if (encode) {
            if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(deltaRequest.getAddition())) {

            if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(deltaRequest.getReduction())) {

        // We need to return the current location of this resource in the response header.
        final HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();

        // Query for the requested delta.
        DeltaResponse response = driver.propagateDelta(deltaRequest, model).get();
        if (response == null || response.getStatus() != Status.CREATED) {
            return toResponseEntity(headers, response);

        DeltaResource delta = response.getDelta().get();

        String contentLocation = UrlHelper.append(location.toASCIIString(), delta.getId());

        log.info("[SenseRmController] Delta id = {}, lastModified = {}, content-location = {}", delta.getId(),
                delta.getLastModified(), contentLocation);

        long lastModified = XmlUtilities.xmlGregorianCalendar(delta.getLastModified()).toGregorianCalendar()

        if (encode) {
            if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(delta.getAddition())) {

            if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(delta.getReduction())) {

            if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(delta.getResult())) {

        headers.add("Content-Location", contentLocation);

        log.info("[SenseRmController] Delta returning id = {}, creationTime = {}", delta.getId(),

        return new ResponseEntity<>(delta, headers, HttpStatus.CREATED);
    } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException | IOException | DatatypeConfigurationException ex) {
        log.error("pullModel failed", ex);
        Error error = Error.builder().error(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.getReasonPhrase())
        return new ResponseEntity<>(error, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);

From source file:net.es.sense.rm.api.SenseRmController.java

 * Transition a delta resource from the Accepted to Committed state.
 * Operation: PUT /api/sense/v1/deltas/{id}/actions/commit
 * @param deltaId The identifier of the delta resource to commit.
 * @return A RESTful response with status NO_CONTENT if successful.
 *///ww  w  .j a v a 2 s .  co m
@ApiOperation(value = "Transition a delta resource from the Accepted to Committed state.", notes = "The Resource Manager must verify the proposed delta commit and will "
        + "confirm success returning (204 No Content).", response = DeltaResource.class)
@ApiResponses(value = {
        @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.NO_CONTENT_CODE, message = HttpConstants.NO_CONTENT_MSG),
        @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.BAD_REQUEST_CODE, message = HttpConstants.BAD_REQUEST_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
        @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.FORBIDDEN_CODE, message = HttpConstants.FORBIDDEN_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
        @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.NOT_FOUND_CODE, message = HttpConstants.NOT_FOUND_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
        @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.NOT_ACCEPTABLE_CODE, message = HttpConstants.NOT_ACCEPTABLE_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
        @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.INTERNAL_ERROR_CODE, message = HttpConstants.INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }), })
@RequestMapping(value = "/deltas/{" + HttpConstants.DELTAID_NAME
        + "}/actions/commit", method = RequestMethod.PUT, produces = { MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE })
public ResponseEntity<?> commitDelta(
        @PathVariable(HttpConstants.DELTAID_NAME) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.DELTAID_MSG, required = true) String deltaId) {

    // Get the requested resource URL.
    final URI location = ServletUriComponentsBuilder.fromCurrentRequestUri().build().toUri();

    log.info("[SenseRmController] operation = {}, deltaId = {}", location, deltaId);

    DeltaResource d;
    try {
        // We need to return the current location of this resource in the response header.
        final HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
        headers.add("Content-Location", location.toASCIIString());

        // Query for the requested delta.
        DeltaResponse response = driver.commitDelta(deltaId).get();
        if (response == null || response.getStatus() != Status.NO_CONTENT) {
            return toResponseEntity(headers, response);

        DeltaResource delta = response.getDelta().get();
        log.info("[SenseRmController] commitDelta deltaId = {}, lastModified = {}", delta.getId(),

        return new ResponseEntity<>(headers, HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT);
    } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException ex) {
        log.error("getDelta failed, ex = {}", ex);
        Error error = Error.builder().error(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.getReasonPhrase())
        return new ResponseEntity<>(error, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);