Java Utililty Methods Convert via ByteBuffer

List of utility methods to do Convert via ByteBuffer


The list of methods to do Convert via ByteBuffer are organized into topic(s).


byte[]toBytes(long l)
to Bytes
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(Long.BYTES);
return bb.array();
byte[]toBytes(Number value)
Converts primitive arithmetic types to byte array.
if (value instanceof Short) {
    return toBytes((Short) value);
} else if (value instanceof Integer) {
    return toBytes((Integer) value);
} else if (value instanceof Long) {
    return toBytes((Long) value);
} else if (value instanceof Float) {
    return toBytes((Float) value);
byte[]toBytes(Object obj)
Serializes an Object to byte[].
ByteArrayOutputStream bstream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ObjectOutputStream ostream = new ObjectOutputStream(bstream);
return bstream.toByteArray();
byte[]toBytes(String str, boolean wideChar)
to Bytes
int len = str.length() + 1;
if (wideChar)
    len <<= 1;
byte[] buf = new byte[len];
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(buf).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
    if (wideChar)
byte[]toBytes(String value)
to Bytes
int offset = 0;
int length = value.length();
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(length * 2);
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
    buffer.putChar(offset, value.charAt(i));
    offset += 2;
return buffer.array();
byte[]toBytes(UUID id)
to Bytes
byte[] bytes = new byte[16];
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes);
return bytes;
StringtoBytesAsString(UUID uuid)
to Bytes As String
return bytesToString(toByteArray(uuid));
char[]toChars(byte[] bytes)
to Chars
Charset charset = Charset.forName(defaultCharset);
return charset.decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes)).array();
char[]toChars(byte[] bytes)
to Chars
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes);
CharBuffer charBuffer = StandardCharsets.UTF_8.decode(byteBuffer);
char[] chars = Arrays.copyOfRange(charBuffer.array(), charBuffer.position(), charBuffer.limit());
Arrays.fill(byteBuffer.array(), (byte) 0);
Arrays.fill(charBuffer.array(), '\u0000');
return chars;
char[]toChars(byte[] bytes)
to Chars
ByteBuffer bf = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes);
CharBuffer cf = CHARSET.decode(bf);
return cf.array();