Statistics about the tracks that compose a media object : Media « 2D Graphics GUI « Java

Statistics about the tracks that compose a media object


Java Media APIs: Cross-Platform Imaging, Media and Visualization
Alejandro Terrazas
Sams, Published November 2002, 
ISBN 0672320940


 * A Class to determine statistics about the tracks that compose a media object.
 * Given the name (URL/location) of media a Processor is constructed and brought
 * to the Configured state. At that stage its TrackControls are obtained as a
 * means of discovering the Formats of the individual tracks.
 * Because reaching Configured can take time, the MediaStatistics object keeps
 * track of its own state and provides methods for determining that state. Only
 * when it reaches the KNOWN state can statistics be obtained. Similarly there
 * are 2 constructors: one creating a Processor and starting it toward
 * Configured but returning immediately. The other is a blocking constructor, it
 * won't return until the Processor reaches Configured or the specified time-out
 * expires. This has the advantage that the object can be used immediately
 * (rather than polling it to determine when it enters the KNOWN state.
 * The chief information gathering method is getReport() which returns a String
 * reporting on the Format of all tracks of the media. Alternatively the Format
 * of individual tracks can also be ascertained.
 * @author Spike Barlow
public class MediaStatistics implements ControllerListener {

  /** State: Yet to create the Processor. */
  public static final int NOT_CREATED = 0;

  /** State: Unable to create the Processor. */
  public static final int FAILED = -1;

  /** State: Processor is Configuring. */
  public static final int CONFIGURING = 1;

  /** State: Details of media are Known. */
  public static final int KNOWN = 2;

  /** Number of tracks is Unknown. */
  public static final int UNKNOWN = Integer.MIN_VALUE;

   * Period in milliseconds to sleep for before rechecking if reached KNOWN
   * state.
  protected static final int WAIT_INTERVAL = 20;

  /** Number of tracks possessed by the media. */
  protected int numTracks = UNKNOWN;

  /** Formats of the individual tracks. */
  protected Format[] trackFormats;

  /** Processor needed to ascertain track information. */
  protected Processor processor;

   * State that the object is currently in. A reflection of the state the
   * Processor is in.
  protected int state = NOT_CREATED;

  /** The name of the media on which stats are being compiled. */
  protected String nameOfMedia;

   * Construct a MediaStatistics object for the media with the passed name.
   * This is a blocking constructor. It returns only when it is possible to
   * obtain the track statistics or when the specified time-out period (in
   * milliseconds) has transpired.
  MediaStatistics(String mediaName, int timeOutInMilliseconds) {

    nameOfMedia = mediaName;
    // Construct the Processor
    try {
      MediaLocator locator = new MediaLocator(mediaName);
      processor = Manager.createProcessor(locator);
    // Any exception is a failure.
    catch (Exception e) {
      state = FAILED;
    // Listen to and start configuration of the Processor.
    state = CONFIGURING;
    // Wait till the Processor reaches configured (the object
    // reaches KNOWN) or the specified time-out interval has
    // transpired, by looping, sleeping,and rechecking.
    if (timeOutInMilliseconds > 0) {
      int waitTime = 0;
      while (waitTime < timeOutInMilliseconds && !isKnown()) {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
        waitTime += WAIT_INTERVAL;

   * Construct a MediaStatistics object for the media with the passed name.
   * This is not a blocking constructor: it returns immediately. Thus calling
   * getReport() immediately may result in "Still parsing media" report. The
   * isKnown() method should be used to check for this condition.
  MediaStatistics(String mediaName) {
    this(mediaName, -1);

   * Respond to events from the Porcessor. In particular the ConfigureComplete
   * event is the only one of interest. In this case obtain the TrackControls
   * anduse these to obtain the Formats of each track. Also modify the state
   * and close down the Processor (free up its resources).
  public synchronized void controllerUpdate(ControllerEvent e) {

    if (e instanceof ConfigureCompleteEvent) {
      TrackControl[] controls = processor.getTrackControls();
      // As long as there are TrackControls, get each track's format.
      if (controls.length != 0) {
        numTracks = controls.length;
        trackFormats = new Format[controls.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < controls.length; i++) {
          trackFormats[i] = controls[i].getFormat();
        state = KNOWN;
      } else {
        state = FAILED;
      // Close down the Processor.
      processor = null;

   * Determine what state the object is in. Returns one of the class constants
  public int getState() {
    return state;

   * Determine the number of tracks possessed by the media. If that is
   * unknown, either due to the processor creation failing or because the
   * processor is not yet Configured then the class constant UNKNOWN is
   * returned.
  public int getNumTracks() {
    return numTracks;

   * Obtain the Format for the specified track number. If the track doesn't
   * exist, or it has yet to be determined how many tracks the media
   * possesses, null is returned.
  public Format getTrackFormat(int track) {

    if (track < 0 || track >= numTracks)
      return null;

    return trackFormats[track];

   * Is the object in the KNOWN state? The KNOWN state reflects the fact that
   * information is known about the number and Format of the tracks. The
   * method can be used to ascertain whether a report is available
   * (meaningful) or not.
  public boolean isKnown() {
    return state == KNOWN;

   * Returns true if the specified track number is an audio track. If the
   * track doesn't exist, the number of tracks is yet unknown, or it isn't
   * audio then false is returned.
  public boolean isAudioTrack(int track) {

    if (track < 0 || track >= numTracks)
      return false;
    return trackFormats[track] instanceof AudioFormat;

   * Returns true if the specified track number is a video track. If the track
   * doesn't exist, the number of tracks is yet unknown, or it isn't video
   * then false is returned.
  public boolean isVideoTrack(int track) {

    if (track < 0 || track >= numTracks)
      return false;
    return trackFormats[track] instanceof VideoFormat;

   * Returns a report, as a String, detailing thenumber and format of the
   * individual tracks that compose the media that this object obtained
   * statistics for. If the object is not in the KNOWN state then the report
   * is a simple String, indicating this.
  public String getReport() {
    String mess;

    if (state == FAILED)
      return "Unable to Handle Media " + nameOfMedia;
    else if (state == CONFIGURING)
      return "Still Parsing Media " + nameOfMedia;
    else if (state == KNOWN) {
      if (numTracks == 1)
        mess = nameOfMedia + ": 1 Track\n";
        mess = nameOfMedia + ": " + numTracks + " Tracks\n";
      for (int i = 0; i < numTracks; i++) {
        if (trackFormats[i] instanceof AudioFormat)
          mess += "\t" + (i + 1) + " [Audio]: ";
        else if (trackFormats[i] instanceof VideoFormat)
          mess += "\t" + (i + 1) + " [Video]: ";
          mess += "\t" + (i + 1) + " [Unknown]: ";
        mess += trackFormats[i].toString() + "\n";
      return mess;
    } else
      return "Unknown State in Processing " + nameOfMedia;

   * Simple main method to exercise the class. Takes command line arguments
   * and constructs MediaStatistics objects for them, before generating a
   * report on them.
  public static void main(String[] args) {

    MediaStatistics[] stats = new MediaStatistics[args.length];

    for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
      stats[i] = new MediaStatistics(args[i], 200);
      stats[i] = null;


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