Flex Layout : Customized Layout « Swing JFC « Java

Flex Layout


//   FlexLayout
//   Copyright (C) by Andrea Carboni.
//   This file may be distributed under the terms of the LGPL license.

import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.awt.LayoutManager;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

/** This class implements a combination of the GridBag and Border layouts. The
  * container is subdivided into rows and columns (basically a grid). Each cell
  * can be empty or can contain a component and a component can occupy one or more
  * cells. If a component is smaller than its cell, it can be aligned both horizontally
  * and vertically. The width of a column is the width of its largest component. The
  * height of a row is the height of its tallest component. Furthermore, a row or a
  * column can be expandable, that is its width/height changes depending on the container's
  * size.<BR><BR>
  * <B>General design issues:</B><BR>
  * First, decide the grid size. Consider that some components (like panels) usually
  * spread over more cells so it is a good idea to make the grid a little bigger.<BR><BR>
  * Second, decide which row/column expand (this is done by the setColProp/setRowProp
  * methods).<BR><BR>
  * Third, add components to container (layout) giving proper constraints.<BR><BR>
  * <B>Example:</B><BR><PRE>
  * FlexLayout flexL = new FlexLayout(2, 3, 4, 4); //--- (1)
  * flexL.setColProp(1, FlexLayout.EXPAND);        //--- (2)
  * flexL.setRowProp(2, FlexLayout.EXPAND);        //--- (3)
  * setLayout(flexL);                              //--- (4)
  * add("0,0",       new Label("Name"));         //--- (5)
  * add("0,1",       new Label("Surname"));      //--- (6)
  * add("1,0,x",     textField);                 //--- (7)
  * add("1,1,x",     textField);                 //--- (8)
  * add("0,2,x,x,2", panel);                     //--- (9)
  * </PRE><BR>
  * <I>Description:</I><BR>
  * line 1: creates a FlexLayout of 2 columns and 3 rows. The two 4 represent the gap
  * between each column and each row. To modify this gap use setXgap and setYgap.<BR>
  * line 2 & 3: column 1 and row 2 are set to expandable (the default is USEPREFERRED)
  * remember that row and column id starts from index 0.<BR>
  * line 4: the layout is added to the container.<BR>
  * line 5 & 6: add two labels in position (0,0) and (0,1)
  * line 7 & 8: add two textfields in position (1,0) and (1,1). The x means that the
  * width will be expanded to occupy all column size. Because column 1 is set to expandable,
  * when the container is resized the textfields are resized too.<BR>
  * line 9: adds a panel in position (0,2). Then panel is expanded both horizontally and
  * vertically and spreads over 2 cells in x direction.<BR><BR>
  * The complete command string is:<BR><PRE>
  * "x,y,xa,ya,xs,ys" where:
  *   x,y specify the component position (are the column-row indexes)
  *   xa specifies the x align of the component and can be:
  *     l - for left
  *     c - for center
  *     r - for right
  *     x - exands the component's width
  *     (default is l)
  *   ya specifies the y align of the component and can be:
  *     t - for top
  *     c - for center
  *     b - for bottom
  *     x - exands the component's height
  *     (default is c)
  *   xs and ys specify the number or columns/rows occupied by the component (default is 1)
  * </PRE>
  * <B>Notes:</B><BR>
  * - if a component occupies more than 1 cell in x direction, its preferred width is NOT
  *  taken into account (same for y).<BR>
  * - if a column / row is empty, its size is set to a default value. This value can be
  * changed using setXNullgap/setYNullgap methods.
  * <BR><BR>
  * Have fun!!!
  * @author Andrea Carboni

public class FlexLayout implements LayoutManager
   private int xgap;
   private int ygap;
   private int width;
   private int height;
   private int xnullgap = 24;
   private int ynullgap = 24;

   private FlexCell cells[][];

   //--- flags for rows and columns ---

   public static final int USEPREFERRED = 0; //--- default ---
   public static final int EXPAND       = 1;

   private int xflags[];
   private int yflags[];

   private int xpref[];
   private int ypref[];


   public FlexLayout(int width, int height)
      this(width, height, 4, 4);


   public FlexLayout(int width, int height, int xgap, int ygap)
      if (width <1 || height <1)
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("width & height must be >0");

      this.width  = width;
      this.height = height;
      this.xgap   = xgap;
      this.ygap   = ygap;

      cells = new FlexCell[width][height];

      xflags = new int[width];
      yflags = new int[height];

      xpref  = new int[width];
      ypref  = new int[height];


   public void setColProp(int index, int flag)
      xflags[index] = flag;


   public void setRowProp(int index, int flag)
      yflags[index] = flag;


   public void setNullGaps(int xgap, int ygap)
      xnullgap = xgap;
      ynullgap = ygap;


   public void setXgap(int xgap)  {  this.xgap = xgap;  }
   public void setYgap(int ygap)  {  this.ygap = ygap;  }

   public int getXgap()     {  return xgap;     }
   public int getYgap()     {  return ygap;     }
   public int getXNullgap() {  return xnullgap; }
   public int getYNullgap() {  return ynullgap; }
   public int getWidth()    {  return width;    }
   public int getHeight()   {  return height;   }

   //--- LayoutManager Interface

   public void addLayoutComponent(String name, Component comp)
      StringTokenizer strTk = new StringTokenizer(name,",");

      int x      = 1;
      int y      = 1;
      int xalign = FlexCell.LEFT;
      int yalign = FlexCell.CENTERY;
      int xext   = 1;
      int yext   = 1;

      if (strTk.hasMoreTokens()) x = Integer.parseInt(strTk.nextToken());
      if (strTk.hasMoreTokens()) y = Integer.parseInt(strTk.nextToken());
      if (strTk.hasMoreTokens())
         String align = strTk.nextToken().toLowerCase();

         if (align.equals("l")) xalign = FlexCell.LEFT;
         if (align.equals("c")) xalign = FlexCell.CENTERX;
         if (align.equals("r")) xalign = FlexCell.RIGHT;
         if (align.equals("x")) xalign = FlexCell.EXPANDX;
      if (strTk.hasMoreTokens())
         String align = strTk.nextToken().toLowerCase();

         if (align.equals("t")) yalign = FlexCell.TOP;
         if (align.equals("c")) yalign = FlexCell.CENTERY;
         if (align.equals("b")) yalign = FlexCell.BOTTOM;
         if (align.equals("x")) yalign = FlexCell.EXPANDY;
      if (strTk.hasMoreTokens()) xext   = Integer.parseInt(strTk.nextToken());
      if (strTk.hasMoreTokens()) yext   = Integer.parseInt(strTk.nextToken());

      cells[x][y] = new FlexCell(xalign, yalign, xext, yext, comp);


   public void removeLayoutComponent(Component comp)
      for(int x=0; x<width; x++)
         for(int y=0; y<height; y++)
            if (cells[x][y].component == comp)
               cells[x][y] = null;


   public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container parent)
      synchronized (parent.getTreeLock())

         int maxW = 0;
         int maxH = 0;

         for(int x=0; x<width; x++)  maxW += xpref[x];
         for(int y=0; y<height; y++) maxH += ypref[y];

         Insets insets = parent.getInsets();

         return new Dimension(insets.left + insets.right  + maxW + (width-1)*xgap,
                              insets.top  + insets.bottom + maxH + (height-1)*ygap);


   public Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container parent)
      return preferredLayoutSize(parent);


   public void layoutContainer(Container parent)
      synchronized (parent.getTreeLock())
         FlexCell cell;

         //--- maximun preferred Width & Height calculus for each column ---


         //--- Layout Calculus

         Insets i = parent.getInsets();

         int maxWidth  = parent.getSize().width - i.left - i.right - (width-1)*xgap;
         int maxHeight = parent.getSize().height- i.top  - i.bottom- (height-1)*ygap;

         //--- total space occupied by fixed columns (and rows) ---
         int fixedWidth  = 0;
         int fixedHeight = 0;

         //--- number of variable columns (and rows) ---
         int varXCount = 0;
         int varYCount = 0;

         //--- width of a variable column (or row) ---
         int varWidth  = 0;
         int varHeight = 0;

         //---   Handle Columns

         //--- calc totale space occupied by fixed columns ---

         for(int x=0; x<width; x++)
            if (xflags[x] == USEPREFERRED) fixedWidth += xpref[x];
               else varXCount++;

         //--- calc width of a generic variable column ---

         if (varXCount != 0)
            varWidth = (maxWidth - fixedWidth) / varXCount;
            if (varWidth < 0) varWidth = 0;

         //--- calc width for expandable columns ---

         for(int x=0; x<width; x++) if (xflags[x] == EXPAND) xpref[x] = varWidth;

         //---   Handle Rows

         //--- calc totale space occupied by fixed rows ---

         for(int y=0; y<height; y++)
            if (yflags[y] == USEPREFERRED) fixedHeight += ypref[y];
               else varYCount++;

         //--- calc height of a generic variable row ---

         if (varYCount != 0)
            varHeight = (maxHeight - fixedHeight) / varYCount;
            if (varHeight < 0) varHeight = 0;

         //--- calc width for expandable rows ---

         for(int y=0; y<height; y++) if (yflags[y] == EXPAND) ypref[y] = varHeight;

         //---   Do Layout

         int currentX = i.left;
         int currentY = i.top;

         int compX, compY, compW, compH;
         int cellW, cellH;

         int xc, yc;

         for(int y=0; y<height; y++)
            currentX = i.left;

            for(int x=0; x<width; x++)
               //--- calculate current cell width and height ---

               cellW = 0;
               cellH = 0;

               cell = cells[x][y];

               if (cell != null)
                  for(xc = x; xc< x + cell.xext; xc++) cellW += xpref[xc];
                  for(yc = y; yc< y + cell.yext; yc++) cellH += ypref[yc];

                  Dimension compSize = cell.component.getPreferredSize();

                  //--- calculate compX & compW depending on align

                     case FlexCell.LEFT:
                              compX = currentX;
                              compW = compSize.width;

                     case FlexCell.CENTERX:
                              compX = currentX + (cellW - compSize.width)/2;
                              compW = compSize.width;

                     case FlexCell.RIGHT:
                              compX = currentX + cellW - compSize.width;
                              compW = compSize.width;

                     case FlexCell.EXPANDX:
                              compX = currentX;
                              compW = cellW;

                     default: System.out.println("FlexLayout: invalid X align type");
                              compX = currentX;
                              compW = cellW;

                  //--- calculate compY & compH depending on align

                     case FlexCell.TOP:
                              compY = currentY;
                              compH = compSize.height;

                     case FlexCell.CENTERY:
                              compY = currentY + (cellH - compSize.height)/2;
                              compH = compSize.height;

                     case FlexCell.BOTTOM:
                              compY = currentY + cellH - compSize.height;
                              compH = compSize.height;

                     case FlexCell.EXPANDY:
                              compY = currentY;
                              compH = cellH;

                     default: System.out.println("FlexLayout: invalid Y align type");
                              compY = currentY;
                              compH = cellH;

                  //--- resize component ---

                  cell.component.setBounds(compX, compY, compW + (cell.xext-1)*xgap,
                                                         compH + (cell.yext-1)*ygap);
               currentX += xpref[x] + xgap;

            currentY += ypref[y] + ygap;


   private void calcMaxWidthArray()
      //--- maximun preferred Width calculus for each column ---

      FlexCell cell;

      int maxPrefW, curPrefW;

      for(int x=0; x<width; x++)
         maxPrefW = 0;

         for(int y=0; y<height; y++)
            cell = cells[x][y];
            if (cell != null && cell.xext == 1)
               curPrefW = cell.component.getPreferredSize().width;
               if (curPrefW > maxPrefW) maxPrefW = curPrefW;
         if (maxPrefW == 0) maxPrefW = xnullgap;

         xpref[x] = maxPrefW;


   private void calcMaxHeightArray()
      //--- maximun preferred Height calculus for each row ---

      FlexCell cell;

      int maxPrefH, curPrefH;

      for(int y=0; y<height; y++)
         maxPrefH = 0;

         for(int x=0; x<width; x++)
            cell = cells[x][y];
            if (cell != null && cell.yext == 1)
               curPrefH = cell.component.getPreferredSize().height;
               if (curPrefH > maxPrefH) maxPrefH = curPrefH;
         if (maxPrefH == 0) maxPrefH = ynullgap;

         ypref[y] = maxPrefH;

class FlexCell
   //--- X align constants ---

   public static final int LEFT    = 0;
   public static final int CENTERX = 1;
   public static final int RIGHT   = 2;
   public static final int EXPANDX = 3;

   //--- Y align constants ---

   public static final int TOP     = 0;
   public static final int CENTERY = 1;
   public static final int BOTTOM  = 2;
   public static final int EXPANDY = 3;

   public int xalign, xext;
   public int yalign, yext;

   public Component component;


   public FlexCell(int xalign, int yalign, int xext, int yext, Component c)
      this.xalign = xalign;
      this.yalign = yalign;
      this.xext   = xext;
      this.yext   = yext;

      component   = c;


Related examples in the same category

1.Custom layout: EdgeLayout
2.Customized layout managerCustomized layout manager
4.Applet GUI demo of TreeLayout layout manager
5.Relative Layout Manager for Java J2SE
6.Basically two (or more) columns of different, but constant, widths
8.Table Layout
9.Table Layout implements LayoutManager2
10.Table layout manager
11.Square Layout
12.Center Layout
13.Wrapper Layout
14.Tile Layout
15.Custom Layout DemoCustom Layout Demo
16.X Y Layout
17.DividerLayout is layout that divides two components with the column of actions
18.Stack Layout, uses an orientation to determine if the contents should be arranged horizontally or vertically.
19.A simple layoutmanager to overlay all components of a parent.
20.A layout manager that displays a single component in the center of its container.
21.A layout manager that spaces components over six columns in seven different formats.
22.Compents are laid out in a circle.
23.Special simple layout used in TabbedContainer
24.Place components at exact locations (x, y, width, height) and then determine how they behave when the window containing them (their parent) is resized
25.Specialised layout manager for a grid of components.