Table layout manager : Customized Layout « Swing JFC « Java

Table layout manager


// Table layout manager, with the flexibility of GridBagLayout but the ease
// of use of HTML table declarations.
// See

// Copyright (C) Rolf Howarth 1997, 1998 (
// Permission to freely use, modify and distribute this code is given,
// provided this notice remains attached. This code is provided for
// educational use only and no warranty as to its suitability for any
// other purpose is made.

// Modification history
// 0.1  01 Nov 96  First version
// 1.0  17 Jan 97  Minor bug fix; added column weighting.
// 1.1  08 Apr 98  Don't use methods deprecated in JDK1.1
// 1.2  16 Apr 98  Make own copy of Dimension objects as they're not immutable

import java.awt.*;
import java.util.*;

// Private class to parse and store the options for a single table entry

 * Table layout manager, with the flexibity of GridBagLayout but the ease of
 * use of HTML table declarations.
 * <p>use like:   </br>
 *    new TableLayout(cols) </br>
 *    add(comp, new TableOption(..))  </br>
 *    ..
 * </p>

public class TableLayout implements LayoutManager,LayoutManager2 {
  private Hashtable options = new Hashtable();
  private TableOption defaultOption;

  private int nrows=0, ncols=0;
  private int ncomponents=0;
  private Component[][] components=null;

  private int MinWidth=0, MinHeight=0, PrefWidth=0, PrefHeight=0;
  private int[] minWidth=null, minHeight=null, prefWidth=null, prefHeight=null;
  private int[] weight=null, columnWidth=null;
  private int hgap=0, vgap=0;

  * Construct a new table layout manager.
  * @param cols Number of columns, used when adding components to tell when to go to the next row
  * @param defaultAlignment Default defaultAlignment for cells if not specified at the time of adding the component
  * @param hgap Horizontal gap between cells and at edge (in pixels)
  * @param vgap Vertical gap between cells and at edge (in pixels)
  public TableLayout(int cols, String defaultAlignment, int hgap, int vgap) {
    this(cols, new TableOption(defaultAlignment),hgap,vgap);

    public TableLayout(int cols, TableOption defaultAlignment, int hgap, int vgap) {
        this.ncols = cols;  // the number of columns is specified
    this.nrows = 0;   // the number of rows is calculated
        this.components = new Component[cols][];
        this.hgap = hgap;
        this.vgap = vgap;


  public TableLayout(int cols, String alignment)
    this(cols, alignment, 0, 0);

  public TableLayout(int cols)
    this(cols, "", 0, 0);

  public void addLayoutComponent(String alignment, Component comp)
    options.put(comp, new TableOption(alignment));

  public void removeLayoutComponent(Component comp)

  // Iterate through the components, counting the number of rows taking into account
  // row and column spanning, then initialise the components[c][r] matrix so that
  // we can retrieve the component at a particular row,column position.

  private void loadComponents(Container parent)
    ncomponents = parent.getComponentCount();

    // If we haven't allocated the right sized array for each column yet, do so now.
    // Note that the number of columns is fixed, but the number of rows is not know
    // and could in the worst case be up the number of components. Unfortunately this
    // means we need to allocate quite big arrays, but the alternative would require
    // complex multiple passes as we try to work out the effect of row spanning.
    if (components[0] == null || components[0].length < ncomponents)
      for (int i=0; i<ncols; ++i)
        components[i] = new Component[ncomponents];
    // Nullify the array
    for (int i=0; i<ncols; ++i)
      for (int j=0; j<components[i].length; ++j)
        components[i][j] = null;

    // fill the matrix with components, taking row/column spanning into account
    int row=0, col=0;
    for (int i=0; i<ncomponents; ++i)
      // get the next component and its options
      Component comp = parent.getComponent(i);
      TableOption option = (TableOption) options.get(comp);
      if (option==null) option = defaultOption;

      // handle options to force us to column 0 or to skip columns
      if (option.forceColumn >= 0)
        if (col > option.forceColumn)
        col = option.forceColumn;
      col += option.skipColumns;
      if (col>=ncols) { ++row; col=0; }

      // skip over any cells that are already occupied
      while (components[col][row] != null)
        if (col>=ncols) { ++row; col=0; }

      // if using colspan, will we fit on this row?
      if (col+option.colSpan > ncols)
        col = 0;

      // for now, fill all the cells that are occupied by this component
      for (int c=0; c<option.colSpan; ++c)
        for (int r=0; r<option.rowSpan; ++r)
          components[col+c][row+r] = comp;

      // advance to the next cell, ready for the next component
      col += option.colSpan;
      if (col>=ncols) { ++row; col=0; }

    // now we know how many rows there are
    if (col == 0)
      nrows = row;
      nrows = row+1;

    // now we've positioned our components we can thin out the cells so
    // we only remember the top left corner of each component
    for (row=0; row<nrows; ++row)
      for (col=0; col<ncols; ++col)
        Component comp = components[col][row];
        for (int r=row; r<nrows && components[col][r]==comp; ++r)
          for (int c=col; c<ncols && components[c][r]==comp; ++c)
            if (r>row || c>col)
              components[c][r] = null;

  private void measureComponents(Container parent)
    // set basic metrics such as ncomponents & nrows, and load the components
    // into the components[][] array.

    // allocate new arrays to store row and column preferred and min sizes, but
    // only if the old arrays aren't big enough
    if (minWidth==null || minWidth.length<ncols)
      minWidth = new int[ncols];
      prefWidth = new int[ncols];
      columnWidth = new int[ncols];
      weight = new int[ncols];
    if (minHeight==null || minHeight.length<nrows)
      minHeight = new int[nrows];
      prefHeight = new int[nrows];

    int i;
    for (i=0; i<ncols; ++i)
      minWidth[i] = 0;
      prefWidth[i] = 0;
    for (i=0; i<nrows; ++i)
      minHeight[i] = 0;
      prefHeight[i] = 0;

    // measure the minimum and preferred size of each row and column

    for (int row=0; row<nrows; ++row)
      for (int col=0; col<ncols; ++col)
        Component comp = components[col][row];
        if (comp != null)
          TableOption option = (TableOption) options.get(comp);
          if (option==null) option = defaultOption;

          Dimension minSize = new Dimension(comp.getMinimumSize());
          Dimension prefSize = new Dimension(comp.getPreferredSize());

          // enforce prefSize>=minSize
          if (prefSize.width < minSize.width)
            prefSize.width = minSize.width;
          if (prefSize.height < minSize.height)
            prefSize.height = minSize.height;

          // divide size across all the rows or columns being spanned
          minSize.width /= option.colSpan;
          minSize.height /= option.rowSpan;
          prefSize.width = (prefSize.width - hgap*(option.colSpan-1)) / option.colSpan;
          prefSize.height = (prefSize.height - vgap*(option.rowSpan-1)) / option.rowSpan;

          for (int c=0; c<option.colSpan; ++c)
            if (minSize.width > minWidth[col+c])
              minWidth[col+c] = minSize.width;
            if (prefSize.width > prefWidth[col+c])
              prefWidth[col+c] = prefSize.width;

          for (int r=0; r<option.rowSpan; ++r)
            if (minSize.height > minHeight[row+r])
              minHeight[row+r] = minSize.height;
            if (prefSize.height > prefHeight[row+r])
              prefHeight[row+r] = prefSize.height;

    // add rows and columns to give total min and preferred size of whole grid

    MinWidth = 0;
    MinHeight = 0;
    PrefWidth = hgap;
    PrefHeight = vgap;

    for (i=0; i<ncols; ++i)
      MinWidth += minWidth[i];
      PrefWidth += prefWidth[i] + hgap;
    for (i=0; i<nrows; ++i)
      MinHeight += minHeight[i];
      PrefHeight += prefHeight[i] + vgap;

  public Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container parent)
    Insets insets = parent.getInsets();
    // System.out.println("Min Size: "+MinWidth+","+MinHeight);
    return new Dimension(insets.left + insets.right + MinWidth, + insets.bottom + MinHeight);

  public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container parent)
    Insets insets = parent.getInsets();
    // System.out.println("Pref Size: "+PrefWidth+","+PrefHeight);
    // System.out.println("+ insets LR "+insets.left+"+"+insets.right+", TB ""+"+insets.bottom);
    return new Dimension(insets.left + insets.right + PrefWidth, + insets.bottom + PrefHeight);

  public void layoutContainer(Container parent)
    Insets insets = parent.getInsets();
    int width = parent.getSize().width - (insets.left + insets.right);
    int height = parent.getSize().height - ( + insets.bottom);
    // System.out.println("Resize "+width+","+height);

    // Decide whether to base our scaling on minimum or preferred sizes, or
    // a mixture of both, separately for width and height scaling.
    // This weighting also tells us how much of the hgap/vgap to use.

    double widthWeighting = 0.0;
    if (width >= PrefWidth || PrefWidth==MinWidth)
      widthWeighting = 1.0;
    else if (width <= MinWidth)
      widthWeighting = 0.0;
      width = MinWidth;
      widthWeighting = (double)(width-MinWidth)/(double)(PrefWidth-MinWidth);

    double heightWeighting = 0.0;
    if (height >= PrefHeight || PrefHeight==MinHeight)
      heightWeighting = 1.0;
    else if (height <= MinHeight)
      heightWeighting = 0.0;
      height = MinHeight;
      heightWeighting = (double)(height-MinHeight)/(double)(PrefHeight-MinHeight);

    // calculate scale factors to scale components to size of container, based
    // on weighted combination of minimum and preferred sizes

    double minWidthScale = (1.0 - widthWeighting) * width/MinWidth;
    //double prefWidthScale = widthWeighting * (width-hgap*(ncols+1))/(PrefWidth-hgap*(ncols+1));
    double minHeightScale = (1.0 - heightWeighting) * height/MinHeight;
    double prefHeightScale = heightWeighting * (height-vgap*(nrows+1))/(PrefHeight-vgap*(nrows+1));

    // only get the full amount of gap if we're working to preferred size
    int vGap = (int) (vgap * heightWeighting);
    int hGap = (int) (hgap * widthWeighting);

    int y = + vGap;

    for (int c=0; c<ncols; ++c)
      weight[c] = prefWidth[c];

    for (int r=0; r<nrows; ++r)
      int x = insets.left + hGap;
      int rowHeight = (int)(minHeight[r]*minHeightScale + prefHeight[r]*prefHeightScale);

      // Column padding can vary from row to row, so we need several
      // passes through the columns for each row:

      // First, work out the weighting that deterimines how we distribute column padding
      for (int c=0; c<ncols; ++c)
        Component comp = components[c][r];
        if (comp != null)
          TableOption option = (TableOption) options.get(comp);
          if (option==null) option = defaultOption;
          if (option.weight >= 0)
            weight[c] = option.weight;
          else if (option.weight == -1)
            weight[c] = prefWidth[c];
      int totalWeight = 0;
      for (int c=0; c<ncols; ++c)
        totalWeight += weight[c];
      int horizSurplus = width - hgap*(ncols+1) - PrefWidth;

      // Then work out column sizes, essentially preferred size + share of padding
      for (int c=0; c<ncols; ++c)
        columnWidth[c] = (int) (minWidthScale * minWidth[c] + widthWeighting * prefWidth[c]);
        if (horizSurplus > 0 && totalWeight > 0)
          columnWidth[c] += (int) (widthWeighting * horizSurplus * weight[c] / totalWeight);

      // Only now do we know enough to position all the columns within this row...
      for (int c=0; c<ncols; ++c)
        Component comp = components[c][r];
        if (comp != null)
          TableOption option = (TableOption) options.get(comp);
          if (option==null) option = defaultOption;

          // cell size may be bigger than row/column size due to spanning
          int cellHeight = rowHeight;
          int cellWidth = columnWidth[c];
          for (int i=1; i<option.colSpan; ++i)
            cellWidth += columnWidth[c+i];
          for (int i=1; i<option.rowSpan; ++i)
            cellHeight += (int)(minHeight[r+i]*minHeightScale + prefHeight[r+i]*prefHeightScale + vGap);

          Dimension d = new Dimension(comp.getPreferredSize());

          if (d.width > cellWidth || option.horizontal==TableOption.FILL)
            d.width = cellWidth;
          if (d.height > cellHeight || option.vertical==TableOption.FILL)
            d.height = cellHeight;

          int yoff = 0;
          if (option.vertical == TableOption.BOTTOM)
            yoff = cellHeight - d.height;
          else if (option.vertical == TableOption.CENTRE)
            yoff = (cellHeight - d.height) / 2;

          int xoff = 0;
          if (option.horizontal == TableOption.RIGHT)
            xoff = cellWidth - d.width;
          else if (option.horizontal == TableOption.CENTRE)
            xoff = (cellWidth - d.width) / 2;

          // System.out.println(" "+comp.getClass().getName()+" at ("+x+"+"+xoff+","+y+"+"+yoff+"), size "+d.width+","+d.height);
        x += columnWidth[c] + hGap;
      y += rowHeight + vGap;

    public void addLayoutComponent(Component comp, Object constraints) {
        if(constraints instanceof TableOption){
            options.put(comp, constraints);
        else if(constraints==null){
        else throw new IllegalArgumentException("not a valid constraints object="+constraints);


     * Returns the alignment along the x axis.  This specifies how
     * the component would like to be aligned relative to other
     * components.  The value should be a number between 0 and 1
     * where 0 represents alignment along the origin, 1 is aligned
     * the furthest away from the origin, 0.5 is centered, etc.
     * <p>
     * @return the value <code>0.5f</code> to indicate centered
    public float getLayoutAlignmentX(Container parent) {
  return 0.5f;

     * Returns the alignment along the y axis.  This specifies how
     * the component would like to be aligned relative to other
     * components.  The value should be a number between 0 and 1
     * where 0 represents alignment along the origin, 1 is aligned
     * the furthest away from the origin, 0.5 is centered, etc.
     * <p>
     * @return the value <code>0.5f</code> to indicate centered
    public float getLayoutAlignmentY(Container parent) {
  return 0.5f;

     * Invalidates the layout, indicating that if the layout manager
     * has cached information it should be discarded.
    public void invalidateLayout(Container target) {
     * Returns the maximum dimensions for this layout given the components
     * in the specified target container.
     * @param target the container which needs to be laid out
     * @see Container
     * @see #minimumLayoutSize(Container)
     * @see #preferredLayoutSize(Container)
     * @return the maximum dimensions for this layout
    public Dimension maximumLayoutSize(Container target) {
  return new Dimension(Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE);

class TableOption{
  public static final int CENTRE=1, FILL=2, LEFT=3, RIGHT=4, TOP=5, BOTTOM=6;
  int horizontal = CENTRE;
  int vertical = CENTRE;
  int rowSpan=1, colSpan=1, skipColumns=0, forceColumn=-1, weight=-2;

     * @param horizontal one of CENTRE,FILL,LEFT,RIGHT,TOP,BOTTOM
     * @param vertical
    public TableOption(int horizontal, int vertical) {
        this.horizontal = horizontal;
        this.vertical = vertical;

    public TableOption(int horizontal, int vertical, int rowSpan, int colSpan) {
        this.horizontal = horizontal;
        this.vertical = vertical;
        this.rowSpan = rowSpan;
        this.colSpan = colSpan;

    public TableOption(int horizontal, int vertical, int rowSpan, int colSpan, int skipColumns, int forceColumn, int weight) {
        this.horizontal = horizontal;
        this.vertical = vertical;
        this.rowSpan = rowSpan;
        this.colSpan = colSpan;
        this.skipColumns = skipColumns;
        this.forceColumn = forceColumn;
        this.weight = weight;

  TableOption(String alignment) {
    StringTokenizer tk = new StringTokenizer(alignment, ",");
    while (tk.hasMoreTokens())
      String token = tk.nextToken();
      boolean ok = false;
      int delim = token.indexOf("=");
      if (token.equals("NW") || token.equals("W") || token.equals("SW"))
        { horizontal = LEFT; ok=true; }
      if (token.equals("NE") || token.equals("E") || token.equals("SE"))
        { horizontal = RIGHT; ok=true; }
      if (token.equals("N") || token.equals("C") || token.equals("F"))
        { horizontal = CENTRE; ok=true; }
      if (token.equals("F") || token.equals("FH"))
        { horizontal = FILL; ok=true; }
      if (token.equals("N") || token.equals("NW") || token.equals("NE"))
        { vertical = TOP; ok=true; }
      if (token.equals("S") || token.equals("SW") || token.equals("SE"))
        { vertical = BOTTOM; ok=true; }
      if (token.equals("W") || token.equals("C") || token.equals("E"))
        { vertical = CENTRE; ok=true; }
      if (token.equals("F") || token.equals("FV"))
        { vertical = FILL; ok=true; }
      if (delim>0)
        int val = Integer.parseInt(token.substring(delim+1));
        token = token.substring(0,delim);
        if (token.equals("CS") && val>0)
          { colSpan = val; ok=true; }
        else if (token.equals("RS") && val>0)
          { rowSpan = val; ok=true; }
        else if (token.equals("SKIP") && val>0)
          { skipColumns = val; ok=true; }
        else if (token.equals("COL"))
          { forceColumn = val; ok=true; }
        else if (token.equals("WT"))
          { weight = val; ok=true; }
      if (!ok) throw new IllegalArgumentException("TableOption "+token);


Related examples in the same category

1.Custom layout: EdgeLayout
2.Customized layout managerCustomized layout manager
4.Applet GUI demo of TreeLayout layout manager
5.Relative Layout Manager for Java J2SE
6.Basically two (or more) columns of different, but constant, widths
8.Table Layout
9.Table Layout implements LayoutManager2
10.Flex Layout
11.Square Layout
12.Center Layout
13.Wrapper Layout
14.Tile Layout
15.Custom Layout DemoCustom Layout Demo
16.X Y Layout
17.DividerLayout is layout that divides two components with the column of actions
18.Stack Layout, uses an orientation to determine if the contents should be arranged horizontally or vertically.
19.A simple layoutmanager to overlay all components of a parent.
20.A layout manager that displays a single component in the center of its container.
21.A layout manager that spaces components over six columns in seven different formats.
22.Compents are laid out in a circle.
23.Special simple layout used in TabbedContainer
24.Place components at exact locations (x, y, width, height) and then determine how they behave when the window containing them (their parent) is resized
25.Specialised layout manager for a grid of components.