Using a Canvas to absolutely position elements : Canvas « Windows Presentation Foundation « VB.Net

Using a Canvas to absolutely position elements

Using a Canvas to absolutely position elements
<Page     xmlns=""
    <Canvas Margin="20" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top">
        <Label Canvas.Top ="10" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Width="100">Username</Label>
        <TextBox Canvas.Top ="30" Margin="0 0 0 10" Width="150 "></TextBox>
        <Label Canvas.Top ="80" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Width="100">Password </Label>
        <PasswordBox Canvas.Top ="100" Margin="0 0 0 10" Width="150"></PasswordBox>
        <Button Canvas.Top ="150" Margin="0 0 0 10 " Content="Submit"/>


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