Commonly Used Java Command Options : Introduction « Language « Java Tutorial

Option                              Description

-client                             Runs the client VM

-serve                              Runs the server VM, which is optimized for server systems

-classpath adirectories             A list of directories or JAR or Zip archive and archives files used to search for class files

-cp <search path>                   Same as -classpath

-D name=value                       Sets a system property

-verbose                            Enables verbose output

-version                            Displays the JRE version number, then stops

-showversion                        Displays the JRE version number, then continues

-? or -help                         Lists the standard options

-X                                  Lists nonstandard options

-ea or -enableassertions            Enables the assert command

-ea classes or packages             Enables assertions for the specified classes or packages

-esa or -enablesystemassertions     Enables system assertions

-dsa or -disablesystemassertions    Disables system assertions

1.1.1.Developing a Java program involves
1.1.2.JDK Utilities
1.1.3.See the details of the compilation: use the verbose option
1.1.4.A profiler is used to analyze how much time a program spends in each part of the code.
1.1.5.The syntax to use the javac tool
1.1.6.Java Compiler Options
1.1.7.The java Tool
1.1.8.Commonly Used Java Command Options
1.1.9.The javadoc Tool
1.1.10.The jar Tool
1.1.11.The javap Tool
1.1.12.Some of the Options Supported by the javap Utility
1.1.13.The jarsignature Tool
1.1.14.The native2ascii Tool
1.1.15.The jconsole Tool
1.1.16.Set the memory available to the JVM
1.1.17.Java memory command line arguments