Some of the Options Supported by the javap Utility : Introduction « Language « Java Tutorial

Option          Description

-b              This command ensures backward compatibility with earlier versions of javap.

-bootclasspath  This command, followed by a path, specifies the path from which to load the bootstrap classes. Normally these would be classes contained in the /lib/rt.jar archive.

-c              This command prints the JVM instructions for the execution of each method. This tells you what the bytecode for each method actually does.

-classpath      This command, followed by a user-specified class path, overrides the system CLASSPATH environment variable.

-extdirs        This command, followed by a directory, overrides the location the system searches for installed extensions. The default location is /lib/ext.

-help           This command prints information about the javap utility.

-Jflag          This command passes the specified flag directly to the runtime system.

-l              This command displays line and local variables.

-package        This command shows only package, protected, and public classes and members. This is the default.

-private        This command shows information about all classes and members.

-protected      This command displays information about protected and public classes and members only.

-public         This command shows information only about public classes and members.

-s              This command prints internal type signatures.

-verbose        This command prints additional information for each method including stack size, local variable information, and arguments.

1.1.1.Developing a Java program involves
1.1.2.JDK Utilities
1.1.3.See the details of the compilation: use the verbose option
1.1.4.A profiler is used to analyze how much time a program spends in each part of the code.
1.1.5.The syntax to use the javac tool
1.1.6.Java Compiler Options
1.1.7.The java Tool
1.1.8.Commonly Used Java Command Options
1.1.9.The javadoc Tool
1.1.10.The jar Tool
1.1.11.The javap Tool
1.1.12.Some of the Options Supported by the javap Utility
1.1.13.The jarsignature Tool
1.1.14.The native2ascii Tool
1.1.15.The jconsole Tool
1.1.16.Set the memory available to the JVM
1.1.17.Java memory command line arguments