Manage Sources and Placeholders : Citation « Documentation « Microsoft Office Word 2007 Tutorial

Click the References tab.
Click the References tab.
Click the Manage Sources button.
Click the Manage Sources button.
All the sources from previous documents appear in the Master List. 
          Currently cited sources in the Current List.
All the sources from previous documents appear in the Master List
Use the Copy and Delete buttons to move sources around or delete them.
Use the Copy and Delete buttons to move sources around or delete them.
Click Close.
Click Close.

5.6.1.Add a Citation and Source to a DocumentAdd a Citation and Source to a Document
5.6.2.Add new placeholder for SourceAdd new placeholder for Source
5.6.3.Manage Sources and PlaceholdersManage Sources and Placeholders
5.6.4.Search for sourcesSearch for sources
5.6.5.Sort source informationSort source information
5.6.6.Edit a placeholderEdit a placeholder
5.6.7.To mark a citation for a table of authoritiesTo mark a citation for a table of authorities