Sort source information : Citation « Documentation « Microsoft Office Word 2007 Tutorial

Click the References tab. Then click the Manage Sources button.
Click the References tab.
Click the Sort list arrow, and then select a sort type to sort source information
Click the Sort list arrow, and then select a sort type to sort source information

5.6.1.Add a Citation and Source to a DocumentAdd a Citation and Source to a Document
5.6.2.Add new placeholder for SourceAdd new placeholder for Source
5.6.3.Manage Sources and PlaceholdersManage Sources and Placeholders
5.6.4.Search for sourcesSearch for sources
5.6.5.Sort source informationSort source information
5.6.6.Edit a placeholderEdit a placeholder
5.6.7.To mark a citation for a table of authoritiesTo mark a citation for a table of authorities