PHP Tutorial Array Associative


  1. Access element in an associative array with named keys in PHP
  2. Check if the integer key " 0 " exists in an array: in PHP
  3. Check if the key " XML " exists in an array in PHP
  4. Get all the values from an associative array in PHP
  5. Get an array containing the keys by the strict parameter, false in PHP
  6. Get an array containing the keys by the strict parameter, true in PHP
  7. Get an array containing the keys by value parameter in PHP
  8. Return an array containing the keys in PHP


  1. Add new key value pair to associative array in PHP
  2. Change all keys in an array to lowercase: in PHP
  3. Change all keys in an array to uppercase and overwrite other entries in PHP
  4. Change all keys in an array to uppercase in PHP
  5. Fill an array with values, specifying keys in PHP
  6. Filter elements of an associative array using a callback function in PHP
  7. Flip all keys with their associated values in an array in PHP
  8. Insert values to an associative array with string keys in PHP
  9. Merge two associative arrays into one array in PHP
  10. Remove element from associative array with numeric keys in PHP


  1. Compare keys and values of three arrays, and return the matches in PHP
  2. Compare keys and values of three arrays with user-defined function to compare keys, return differences in PHP
  3. Compare keys and values of two arrays, and return the matches in PHP
  4. Compare keys and values of two arrays, return matches with a user-defined key comparison function in PHP
  5. Compare keys and values of two arrays with two user functions for comparison and return differences in PHP
  6. Compare keys and values of two arrays with two user functions for comparison and return matches in PHP
  7. Compare keys and values of two arrays with user-defined function to compare the keys, return differences in PHP
  8. Compare keys of three arrays with a user-defined function to compare keys, return matches in PHP
  9. Compare the keys and values of three arrays, and return the differences in PHP
  10. Compare the keys and values of three arrays with a user-defined function to compare keys, return matches in PHP
  11. Compare the keys and values of two arrays, and return the differences in PHP
  12. Compare the keys of three arrays, and return the differences in PHP
  13. Compare the keys of three arrays, and return the matches in PHP
  14. Compare the keys of three arrays with user-defined function to compare keys, return differences in PHP
  15. Compare the keys of two arrays, and return the differences in PHP
  16. Compare the keys of two arrays, and return the matches in PHP
  17. Compare the keys of two arrays with a user-defined key comparison function, return matches in PHP
  18. Compare the keys of two arrays with user-defined key comparison function, return differences in PHP
  19. Compare the keys of two indexed arrays, and return the differences in PHP
  20. Compare the keys of two indexed arrays, and return the matches in PHP
  21. Compare the values of three arrays, and return the matches in PHP
  22. Compare the values of two arrays, and return the matches in PHP
  23. Compare two arrays with built-in function to compare keys and a user function to compare values and return the differences in PHP
  24. Intersect arrays with additional index check, compares data by a callback function in PHP


  1. Convert associative array to separate variables named by keys and On collision, the variable name will be given a prefix in PHP
  2. Convert associative array to separate variables named by keys in PHP


  1. For each key and value pair from associative array in PHP
  2. Loop Through an Associative Array in PHP
  3. Loop through and print all the values of an associative array in PHP


  1. Replace values in first associative array ($a1) with values in second array ($a2) with extra keys in PHP
  2. Replace values in first associative array ($a1) with values in second array ($a2) with missing keys in PHP
  3. Replace values in first associative array ($a1) with values in second array ($a2) with numeric keys in PHP


  1. Sort an associative array in ascending order, according to the key in PHP
  2. Sort an associative array in ascending order, according to the value in PHP
  3. Sort an associative array in descending order, according to the key in PHP
  4. Sort an associative array in descending order, according to the value in PHP


  1. Sum all the values in an associative array in PHP


  1. Use two ways to create an associative array in PHP

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