PHP Tutorial Number


  1. Convert " Hello World! " to hexadecimal values in PHP
  2. Convert a hexadecimal number to octal number in PHP
  3. Convert a string value from binary to hex and back in PHP
  4. Convert an octal number to a decimal number in PHP
  5. Convert an octal number to a hexadecimal number in PHP
  6. Convert binary to decimal in PHP
  7. Convert decimal to binary in PHP
  8. Convert decimal to hexadecimal in PHP
  9. Convert decimal to octal in PHP
  10. Convert hexadecimal to decimal in PHP
  11. Convert hexadecimal values to ASCII characters in PHP
  12. Convert octal to decimal in PHP
  13. Convert string to float in PHP
  14. Get float value of a variable with non-numeric leftmost characters in PHP


  1. Do International en_US money format in PHP
  2. Do International format (Germany) with 2 decimals in PHP
  3. Do money format for negative number in PHP
  4. Format a number with grouped thousands in PHP
  5. Format numbers: in PHP
  6. Round the number with number_format in PHP

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