PHP Tutorial String HTML


  1. Convert HTML entities " & lt; " (less than) and " & gt; " (greater than) to characters in PHP
  2. Convert HTML entities to characters in PHP
  3. Convert characters " & lt; " (less than) and " > " (greater than) to HTML entities in PHP
  4. Convert double quotes to HTML entities: in PHP
  5. Convert some HTML entities to characters in PHP
  6. Convert some HTML entities to characters, using the Western European character-set in PHP
  7. Convert some characters to HTML entities: in PHP
  8. Convert some characters to HTML entities using the Western European character-set in PHP
  9. Convert some predefined HTML entities to characters: in PHP
  10. Convert some predefined characters to HTML entities: in PHP
  11. Convert the predefined HTML entities to double quotes in PHP
  12. Get Table for HTML_ENTITIES in PHP
  13. Get Table for HTML_SPECIALCHARS in PHP
  14. Get the translation table used by htmlspecialchars() and htmlentities() in PHP
  15. Output a string with the PHP syntax highlighted in PHP
  16. Output the file with the PHP syntax highlighted in PHP
  17. Print the translation table used by the htmlspecialchars function in PHP

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