Photoshop Text Furry Tutorial

List of tutorials for Photoshop Text Furry

How to Create Furry Text in Photoshop Photoshop,31 Images, 1769 words

The fur will be created using layer masks which are easy to master once youve practiced them a few times . In this tutorial we'll be creating furry text using layer masks and some shadow effects for a 3D look. Its pretty simple and fun? to create and..

Photoshop Text Furry Tutorial

Furry Text Photoshop,12 Images, 303 words

You can use this tutorial for anything you'd like to make look furry, but for this tutorial we're going to make the word "FUR" resemble its definition. Adjust the Angle Jitter in the Shape Dynamics of the Brushes options. You want it to be a little h..

Photoshop Text Furry Tutorial