Java TextureAtlas fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java TextureAtlas fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for TextureAtlas.

The text is from its open source code.

Subclass has subclasses.
Click this link to see all its subclasses.


TextureAtlas(String internalPackFile)
Loads the specified pack file using FileType#Internal , using the parent directory of the pack file to find the page images.
TextureAtlas(FileHandle packFile)
Loads the specified pack file, using the parent directory of the pack file to find the page images.
TextureAtlas(TextureAtlasData data)
Creates an empty atlas to which regions can be added.
TextureAtlas(FileHandle packFile, boolean flip)
TextureAtlas(FileHandle packFile, FileHandle imagesDir)
TextureAtlas(FileHandle packFile, FileHandle imagesDir, boolean flip)


AtlasRegionaddRegion(String name, TextureRegion textureRegion)
Adds a region to the atlas.
NinePatchcreatePatch(String name)
Returns the first region found with the specified name as a NinePatch .
SpritecreateSprite(String name)
Returns the first region found with the specified name as a sprite.
ArraycreateSprites(String name)
Returns all regions with the specified name as sprites, ordered by smallest to largest AtlasRegion#index index .
Releases all resources associated with this TextureAtlas instance.
AtlasRegionfindRegion(String name)
Returns the first region found with the specified name.
AtlasRegionfindRegion(String name, int index)
Returns the first region found with the specified name and index.
ArrayfindRegions(String name)
Returns all regions with the specified name, ordered by smallest to largest AtlasRegion#index index .
Returns all regions in the atlas.