Java org.lwjgl.opengl GL40 fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.lwjgl.opengl GL40 fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.lwjgl.opengl GL40.

The text is from its open source code.


voidglBeginQueryIndexed(@NativeType("GLenum") int target, @NativeType("GLuint") int index, @NativeType("GLuint") int id)
Begins a query object on an indexed target
voidglBindTransformFeedback(@NativeType("GLenum") int target, @NativeType("GLuint") int id)
Binds a transform feedback object.
voidglBlendEquationi(@NativeType("GLuint") int buf, @NativeType("GLenum") int mode)
Specifies the equation used for both the RGB blend equation and the Alpha blend equation for the specified draw buffer.
voidglBlendEquationSeparatei(@NativeType("GLuint") int buf, @NativeType("GLenum") int modeRGB, @NativeType("GLenum") int modeAlpha)
Sets the RGB blend equation and the alpha blend equation separately for the specified draw buffer.
voidglBlendFunci(@NativeType("GLuint") int buf, @NativeType("GLenum") int sfactor, @NativeType("GLenum") int dfactor)
Specifies pixel arithmetic for the specified draw buffer.
voidglBlendFuncSeparatei(@NativeType("GLuint") int buf, @NativeType("GLenum") int srcRGB, @NativeType("GLenum") int dstRGB, @NativeType("GLenum") int srcAlpha, @NativeType("GLenum") int dstAlpha)
Specifies pixel arithmetic for RGB and alpha components separately for the specified draw buffer.
voidglDeleteTransformFeedbacks(@NativeType("GLuint const *") IntBuffer ids)
Deletes transform feedback objects.
voidglDeleteTransformFeedbacks(@NativeType("GLuint const *") int id)
Deletes transform feedback objects.
voidglDeleteTransformFeedbacks(@NativeType("GLuint const *") int[] ids)
Array version of: #glDeleteTransformFeedbacks DeleteTransformFeedbacks
voidglDrawArraysIndirect(@NativeType("GLenum") int mode, @NativeType("void const *") ByteBuffer indirect)
Renders primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory.
voidglDrawArraysIndirect(@NativeType("GLenum") int mode, @NativeType("void const *") long indirect)
Renders primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory.
voidglDrawArraysIndirect(@NativeType("GLenum") int mode, @NativeType("void const *") IntBuffer indirect)
Renders primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory.
voidglDrawArraysIndirect(@NativeType("GLenum") int mode, @NativeType("void const *") int[] indirect)
Array version of: #glDrawArraysIndirect DrawArraysIndirect
voidglDrawElementsIndirect(@NativeType("GLenum") int mode, @NativeType("GLenum") int type, @NativeType("void const *") ByteBuffer indirect)
Renders indexed primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory.
voidglDrawElementsIndirect(@NativeType("GLenum") int mode, @NativeType("GLenum") int type, @NativeType("void const *") long indirect)
Renders indexed primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory.
voidglDrawElementsIndirect(@NativeType("GLenum") int mode, @NativeType("GLenum") int type, @NativeType("void const *") IntBuffer indirect)
Renders indexed primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory.
voidglDrawElementsIndirect(@NativeType("GLenum") int mode, @NativeType("GLenum") int type, @NativeType("void const *") int[] indirect)
Array version of: #glDrawElementsIndirect DrawElementsIndirect
voidglDrawTransformFeedback(@NativeType("GLenum") int mode, @NativeType("GLuint") int id)
Render primitives using a count derived from a transform feedback object.
voidglDrawTransformFeedbackStream(@NativeType("GLenum") int mode, @NativeType("GLuint") int id, @NativeType("GLuint") int stream)
Renders primitives using a count derived from a specifed stream of a transform feedback object.
voidglEndQueryIndexed(@NativeType("GLenum") int target, @NativeType("GLuint") int index)
Ends a query object on an indexed target
Reserves transform feedback object names.
voidglGenTransformFeedbacks(@NativeType("GLuint *") IntBuffer ids)
Reserves transform feedback object names.
voidglGenTransformFeedbacks(@NativeType("GLuint *") int[] ids)
Array version of: #glGenTransformFeedbacks GenTransformFeedbacks
StringglGetActiveSubroutineName(@NativeType("GLuint") int program, @NativeType("GLenum") int shadertype, @NativeType("GLuint") int index, @NativeType("GLsizei") int bufsize)
Queries the name of an active shader subroutine.
voidglGetActiveSubroutineName(@NativeType("GLuint") int program, @NativeType("GLenum") int shadertype, @NativeType("GLuint") int index, @Nullable @NativeType("GLsizei *") IntBuffer length, @NativeType("GLchar *") ByteBuffer name)
Queries the name of an active shader subroutine.
voidglGetActiveSubroutineName(@NativeType("GLuint") int program, @NativeType("GLenum") int shadertype, @NativeType("GLuint") int index, @Nullable @NativeType("GLsizei *") int[] length, @NativeType("GLchar *") ByteBuffer name)
Array version of: #glGetActiveSubroutineName GetActiveSubroutineName
intglGetActiveSubroutineUniformi(@NativeType("GLuint") int program, @NativeType("GLenum") int shadertype, @NativeType("GLuint") int index, @NativeType("GLenum") int pname)
Queries a property of an active shader subroutine uniform.
voidglGetActiveSubroutineUniformName(@NativeType("GLuint") int program, @NativeType("GLenum") int shadertype, @NativeType("GLuint") int index, @Nullable @NativeType("GLsizei *") IntBuffer length, @NativeType("GLchar *") ByteBuffer name)
Queries the name of an active shader subroutine uniform.
voidglGetActiveSubroutineUniformName(@NativeType("GLuint") int program, @NativeType("GLenum") int shadertype, @NativeType("GLuint") int index, @Nullable @NativeType("GLsizei *") int[] length, @NativeType("GLchar *") ByteBuffer name)
Array version of: #glGetActiveSubroutineUniformName GetActiveSubroutineUniformName
StringglGetActiveSubroutineUniformName(@NativeType("GLuint") int program, @NativeType("GLenum") int shadertype, @NativeType("GLuint") int index, @NativeType("GLsizei") int bufsize)
Queries the name of an active shader subroutine uniform.
intglGetProgramStagei(@NativeType("GLuint") int program, @NativeType("GLenum") int shadertype, @NativeType("GLenum") int pname)
Retrieves properties of a program object corresponding to a specified shader stage.
intglGetQueryIndexedi(@NativeType("GLenum") int target, @NativeType("GLuint") int index, @NativeType("GLenum") int pname)
Returns parameters of an indexed query object target.
intglGetSubroutineIndex(@NativeType("GLuint") int program, @NativeType("GLenum") int shadertype, @NativeType("GLchar const *") ByteBuffer name)
Retrieves the index of a subroutine function of a given shader stage within a program.
intglGetSubroutineIndex(@NativeType("GLuint") int program, @NativeType("GLenum") int shadertype, @NativeType("GLchar const *") CharSequence name)
Retrieves the index of a subroutine function of a given shader stage within a program.
intglGetSubroutineUniformLocation(@NativeType("GLuint") int program, @NativeType("GLenum") int shadertype, @NativeType("GLchar const *") ByteBuffer name)
Retrieves the location of a subroutine uniform of a given shader stage within a program.
intglGetSubroutineUniformLocation(@NativeType("GLuint") int program, @NativeType("GLenum") int shadertype, @NativeType("GLchar const *") CharSequence name)
Retrieves the location of a subroutine uniform of a given shader stage within a program.
intglGetUniformSubroutineui(@NativeType("GLenum") int shadertype, @NativeType("GLint") int location)
Retrieves the value of a subroutine uniform of a given shader stage of the current program.
booleanglIsTransformFeedback(@NativeType("GLuint") int id)
Determines if a name corresponds to a transform feedback object.
voidglMinSampleShading(@NativeType("GLfloat") float value)
Specifies the minimum rate at which sample shading takes place.
voidglPatchParameteri(@NativeType("GLenum") int pname, @NativeType("GLint") int value)
Specifies the integer value of the specified parameter for patch primitives.
Pauses transform feedback operations for the currently bound transform feedback object.
Resumes transform feedback operations for the currently bound transform feedback object.
voidglUniform1d(@NativeType("GLint") int location, @NativeType("GLdouble") double x)
Specifies the value of a double uniform variable for the current program object.
voidglUniform2d(@NativeType("GLint") int location, @NativeType("GLdouble") double x, @NativeType("GLdouble") double y)
Specifies the value of a dvec2 uniform variable for the current program object.
voidglUniform3d(@NativeType("GLint") int location, @NativeType("GLdouble") double x, @NativeType("GLdouble") double y, @NativeType("GLdouble") double z)
Specifies the value of a dvec3 uniform variable for the current program object.
voidglUniform4d(@NativeType("GLint") int location, @NativeType("GLdouble") double x, @NativeType("GLdouble") double y, @NativeType("GLdouble") double z, @NativeType("GLdouble") double w)
Specifies the value of a dvec4 uniform variable for the current program object.