Appearance Is Everything : Object Model « 3D « Java

Appearance Is Everything

The Joy of Java 3D

by Greg Hopkins

Copyright Copyright 2001


There are many ways to change the way that objects in your scene look. You can change 
their color, how much light they reflect. You can paint them with two-dimensional images, 
or add rough textures to their surfaces. The Appearance class contains the functions for 
making these changes. This section shows you how to use these functions.

The simplest way of setting the appearance is by specifying only the color and the shading 
method. This works for setting an object to being a simple color, but to make an object 
look realistic, you need to specify how an object appears under lights. You do this by 
creating a Material.

Step                                                        Example
1. Create an object                             Sphere sphere = new Sphere();
2. Create an appearance                         Appearance ap = new Appearance();
3. Create a color                                Color3f col = new Color3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
4. Create the coloring attributes               ColoringAttributes ca = new ColoringAttributes
                                                 (col, ColoringAttributes.NICEST);
5. Add the attributes to the appearance         ap.setColoringAttributes(ca);
6.  Set the appearance for the object             sphere.setAppearance(ap);



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