Struts: Creating the Controller : Struts « J2EE « Java

Struts: Creating the Controller

Struts: Creating the Controller
Title:       Struts : Essential Skills (Essential Skills)
Authors:     Steven Holzner
Publisher:   McGraw-Hill Osborne Media
ISBN:       0072256591

<%@ taglib uri="/tags/struts-html" prefix="html" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/tags/struts-logic" prefix="logic" %>

        <title>Using &lt;html&gt; Tags</title>
        <script language="JavaScript">
            function clicker()
                confirm("You clicked the button.");
        <h1>Using &lt;html&gt; Tags</h1>


        <html:form action="" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">

            <h2>Text Fields:</h2>
            <html:text property="text"/>

            <h2>Text Areas:</h2>
            <html:textarea property="textarea" rows="10"/>

            <html:checkbox property="checkbox"/>Check Me

            <h2>Radio Buttons:</h2>
            <html:radio property="radio" value="red"/>red
            <html:radio property="radio" value="green"/>green
            <html:radio property="radio" value="blue"/>blue

            <html:button onclick="clicker()" value="Click Me" property="text"/>

            <html:link action="ch06_02">Click Me</html:link>

            <html:img page="/image.jpg"/>

            <h2>Image Controls:</h2>
            <html:image page="/imagecontrol.jpg" property=""/>

            <h2>Select Controls:</h2>
            <html:select property="multipleSelect" size="9" multiple="true">
                <html:option value="Multi 0">Multi 0</html:option>
                <html:option value="Multi 1">Multi 1</html:option>
                <html:option value="Multi 2">Multi 2</html:option>
                <html:option value="Multi 3">Multi 3</html:option>
                <html:option value="Multi 4">Multi 4</html:option>
                <html:option value="Multi 5">Multi 5</html:option>
                <html:option value="Multi 6">Multi 6</html:option>
                <html:option value="Multi 7">Multi 7</html:option>
                <html:option value="Multi 8">Multi 8</html:option>

            <h2>Multibox Controls:</h2>
                <html:multibox property="multiBox" value="a" />a
                <html:multibox property="multiBox" value="b" />b
                <html:multibox property="multiBox" value="c" />c
                <html:multibox property="multiBox" value="d" />d
                <html:multibox property="multiBox" value="e" />e

            <h2>File Controls:</h2>
            <html:file property="file" />


            <html:submit value="Submit"/>

package ch06;
import org.apache.struts.action.*;
import org.apache.struts.upload.FormFile;
import org.apache.struts.upload.MultipartRequestHandler;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

public class ch06_03 extends ActionForm 
    private String text = "";
    private String X;
    private String Y;
    private String textarea = "";
    private String[] selectItems = new String[3];
    private String[] multiBox = new String[5];
    private boolean checkbox = false;
    private String radio = "";
    private FormFile file;
    private String fileText;
    public String getText() 
        return text;
    public void setText(String text) 
        this.text = text;
    public String getTextarea() 
        return textarea;
    public void setTextarea(String textarea) 
        this.textarea = textarea;

    public boolean getCheckbox() 
        return checkbox;
    public void setCheckbox(boolean checkbox) 
        this.checkbox = checkbox;
    public String getRadio() 
        return radio;
    public void setRadio(String radio) 
    { = radio;
    public String getX() 
        return X;
    public void setX(String X) 
        this.X = X;
    public String getY() 
        return Y;
    public void setY(String Y) 
        this.Y = Y;

    public String[] getSelectItems() 
        return selectItems;
    public void setSelectItems(String[] selectItems) 
        this.selectItems = selectItems;
    public String[] getMultiBox() 
        return multiBox;
    public void setMultiBox(String[] multiBox) 
        this.multiBox = multiBox;
    private String[] multipleSelect = {"Multi 3", "Multi 5", "Multi 7"};

    public String[] getMultipleSelect() {
        return (this.multipleSelect);

    public void setMultipleSelect(String multipleSelect[]) {
        this.multipleSelect = multipleSelect;

    public FormFile getFile() {
        return file;

    public void setFile(FormFile file) {
        this.file = file;

    public String getFileText() {

        try {
            ByteArrayOutputStream byteStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            InputStream input = file.getInputStream();

            byte[] dataBuffer = new byte[4096];
            int numberBytes = 0;
            while ((numberBytes =, 0, 4096)) != -1) {
                byteStream.write(dataBuffer, 0, numberBytes);
            fileText = new String(byteStream.toByteArray());
        catch (IOException e) {
            return null;
        return fileText;

    public void reset(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request) 

package ch06;

import java.util.*;
import ch06.ch06_03;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import org.apache.struts.action.*;

public class ch06_02 extends Action 
  public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping,
    ActionForm form,
    HttpServletRequest request,
    HttpServletResponse response)
    throws IOException, ServletException {

        ActionErrors actionerrors = new ActionErrors();
        ch06_03 dataForm = (ch06_03)form;
        String text = dataForm.getText();        
        if(text.trim().equals("")) {
            actionerrors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR, new ActionError("error.notext"));
        if(actionerrors.size() != 0) {            
            saveErrors(request, actionerrors);
            return new ActionForward(mapping.getInput());            
        return mapping.findForward("success");
       1,456 k)

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