Java com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui Table fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui Table fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui Table.

The text is from its open source code.


com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Table has subclasses.
Click this link to see all its subclasses.



Table(Skin skin)
Creates a table with a skin, which enables the #add(String) and #add(String,String) methods to be used.


Celladd(T actor)
Adds a new cell to the table with the specified actor.
voidadd(Actor... actors)
Celladd(String text)
Adds a new cell with a label.
Celladd(String text, String fontName, Color color)
Adds a new cell with a label.
Celladd(String text, String fontName, String colorName)
Adds a new cell with a label.
Adds a cell without an actor.
Celladd(String text, String labelStyleName)
Adds a new cell with a label.
Adds Align#bottom and clears Align#top for the alignment of the logical table within the table actor.
Sets the alignment of the logical table within the table actor to Align#center .
Removes all actors and cells from the table.
Turns on cell debug lines.
Turns on table debug lines.
The cell values that will be used as the defaults for all cells.
CellgetCell(T actor)
Returns the cell for the specified actor in this table, or null.
Returns the cells for this table.
Adds Align#left and clears Align#right for the alignment of the logical table within the table actor.
Tablepad(Value pad)
Sets the padTop, padLeft, padBottom, and padRight around the table to the specified value.
Tablepad(float pad)
Sets the padTop, padLeft, padBottom, and padRight around the table to the specified value.
Tablepad(Value top, Value left, Value bottom, Value right)
Tablepad(float top, float left, float bottom, float right)
TablepadBottom(Value padBottom)
Padding at the bottom edge of the table.
TablepadBottom(float padBottom)
Padding at the bottom edge of the table.
TablepadLeft(Value padLeft)
Padding at the left edge of the table.
TablepadLeft(float padLeft)
Padding at the left edge of the table.
TablepadRight(Value padRight)
Padding at the right edge of the table.
TablepadRight(float padRight)
Padding at the right edge of the table.
booleanremoveActor(Actor actor)
Adds Align#right and clears Align#left for the alignment of the logical table within the table actor.
Indicates that subsequent cells should be added to a new row and returns the cell values that will be used as the defaults for all cells in the new row.
voidsetBackground(String drawableName)
Sets the background drawable from the skin and adjusts the table's padding to match the background.
voidsetBackground(Drawable background)
voidsetClip(boolean enabled)
Causes the contents to be clipped if they exceed the table actor's bounds.
voidsetDebug(boolean enabled)
voidsetSkin(Skin skin)
Adds Align#top and clears Align#bottom for the alignment of the logical table within the table actor.