List of Free code MongoDB


  • c24 sample mongo trading
    A C24 sample project that demonstrates a synergy between C24s iO product and the mongoDB document database.
  • cxf rest security
    SpringData MongoDB CXF Integration.
  • DF10 Demo Appirio Careers Cloudstock Hackathon App
    DF10 Hackathon Demo app Uses the REST API in conjunction with OAuth2 using the Spring MVC framework on Spring tc Server.. Also uses Twilio (SMS), Spring Roo, Spring STS, MongoDB and
  • embedmongo maven plugin
    Maven plugin wrapper for the embedded MongoDB API.
  • java jersey spring hibernate maven
    Archetype starter project to create RESTful WS using Java, Jersey WS, Spring, Hibernate , Maven, Liquibase, MySQL and MongoDB. Code for integrating with Hibernate /MySQL and MongoDB/NoSQL.
  • java mongodb dao example
    An simple example how one could use MongoDB with Spring with Morphia as awesome helper... ; ).
  • jmeter mongodb plugin
    a jmeter plugin support save sampler json response to mongodb.
  • jmockmongo
    Fake in process ( Java ), in memory MongoDB for unit testing.
  • jongo
    Query in Java as in Mongo shell.
  • mongo example patterns
    Mongo example patterns in multiple applications.
  • mongo java async driver
    Java Asynchronous MongoDB Driver.
  • mongo java driver
    java driver for mongo.
  • mongo java server
    Stub implementation of MongoDB in Java, that speaks the wire protocol.
  • mongo odm
    An evaluation of various Java Object Document Mapper frameworks and techniques.
  • mongo testbed
    Java testing framework for mongo database.
  • mongoadmin
    Admin interface for MongoDB built using Django and Bootstrap. Features a JSON editor written in Java Script that supports nested JSON objects.
  • mongodb slow operations profiler
    This java web application collects slow operations from a mongoDB system in order to visualize and analyze them.
  • mongomongo
    Java ODM framework for MongoDB.
  • MonjaDB
    MonjaDB is a MongoDB GUI client tool for rapid application development. It aims to provide a thoroughly straightforward way of updating MongoDB documents. It runs on Windows/Mac/Linux. MonjaDB has been developed as a plugin for Eclipse, so you will need to have Eclipse installed.
  • morphia
    MongoDB object document mapper in Java. Uses mongo java driver.
  • MultiBitMerchant
    A free and open source Bitcoin ecommerce platform, with several representative clients (online shop, admin etc). Uses Dropwizard, HAL, MongoDB etc.
  • mungo
    A MongoDB inspired API access to the GAE Datastore.
  • play demo twitbookplus
    Play Java demo application, using guice, mongodb, mongojack, webjars, requirejs, knockoutjs and bootstrap.
  • sampleqa spring mongo bootstrap
    Sample Q&A application using Spring Framework, Mongo DB & Bootstrap.
  • shibboleth idp mongodb connector
    A MongoDB data and persistent ID connector for shibboleth 2.x.
  • spring data document
    Provide support to increase developer productivity in Java when using document databases such as MongoDB and CouchDB. Uses familiar Spring concepts such as a template classes for core API usage and lightweight repository style data access.
  • spring data mongo demo
    A demo of Spring Data Mongo.
  • spring data mongodb
    Provide support to increase developer productivity in Java when using MongoDB. Uses familiar Spring concepts such as a template classes for core API usage and lightweight repository style data access.
  • spring data mongodb jsf
    Sample apps for Spring data MongoDB and JSF integration.
  • spring mongo demo
    This is a small demo project Using MongoDB and Spring Data.
  • SpringMongoIntegration Example
    Example Spring MVC application that integrates with MongoDB database.
  • springsecuritylogin
    A simple project start using spring data, mongodb and spring security.
  • v7files
    WebDAV server backed by MongoDB.

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