List of Free code String Function


  • amendjs
    A bunch of utility functions to improve JS's String class.
  • boiler
    Boiler is a utility library that makes every day tasks in JavaScript easier by providing over 115 methods that work on arrays, collections, functions, numbers, objects, and strings. It's the JavaScript equivalent of a Swiss Army Knife.
  • dotFormat
    A ridiculously useful javascript string function.
  • function to string
    Extract parameters and body of a function into strings.
  • JS String Parser
    A string parser in JavaScript, handles basic math (order of operation) and some intrinsic functions.
  • jsonfn
    javascript plugin to convert object with functions to string and string to object.
  • lodashed
    Lo Dash, Underscore. string + some other useful functions.
  • mooReadAll
    mooReadAll is a plugin designed to cut html string preserving the html structure, without breaking tags. Provides a "read all" link which may call other pages, callback functions, open a layer or show the whole content in the same element.
  • strcmp.js
    Some Javascript String Comparison Functions #node #browser # component [alt:].
  • Timeliner.Core
    Core module for Timeliner.Index and Timeliner.Search. It provides functionality to generate an array of string tokens out of a single word or a complete text. These string tokens can be used to create an inverted index for instance.
  • underscore.transparent
    Push Underscore.js and Underscore. string functions to native JavaScript Objects.
  • vs regex
    Regular Expression with expanded functionality for random string generation and corner case strings computation.

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String Date
String Format
String Function
String jQuery
String JSON
String Object
String Query
String URL