List of Free code RESTful


  • addressbook
    REST Service that use Protocol Buffer data representation and Netty as transport.
  • akiban rest
    Akiban Server REST Module: JSON /HTTP access to Akiban Server.
  • amazon rest
    A light weight library to access the Amazon Advertising API via REST with Java.
  • android reddit
    An Java library to wrap the publicly available Reddit REST API.
  • android rest client
    A simple rest API client library.
  • angulardemorestful
    Java (and other languages) REST service and AngularJs.
  • api allocine
    Add a service layer between your code and Allocine REST API.
  • apitester
    Apache HttpClient wrapper to make the most common tasks for testing a REST API more convenient.
  • artifactory client java
    Artifactory REST Client Java API bindings.
  • JavaLib JavaLib offers full access to the RESTful API , giving the developer the ability to make use of the native API through comfortable Java objects.
  • Backbone Jersey
    REST+JSON demonstration: from a Java Script frontend (Backbone.js, Require.js and jQuery) to a Java backend (Jersey).
  • bagheera
    A REST API for Mozilla Metrics services.
  • bieridee back
    Social Beer App Brauerei (REST Backend).
  • camel cxfrs example
    Camel CXF Rest Example with JSON.
  • camelcode
    Java +Play Framework tech demo that imports the CodePoint Open UK postcode dataset and offers a Geocoding REST API and a postcode map.
  • camp server
    Open source OASIS CAMP REST Server.
  • ChatterUtility
    Utility which leverages Chatter REST API to manage user and group photo uploads as well as group memberships.
  • CloudApp Java
    A Java Wrapper for the CloudApp REST endpoints.
  • composer framework
    Simple composition, maintenance, reuse of meta and data layers with RESTful api access. More information at
  • Cradiator TeamCity Plugin
    DEPRECATED: Use the TeamCity Rest API to get CCNET Based XML.
  • crest
    CRest Client REST.
  • crowd ldap server
    Implementation of an LDAP server that delegates authentication to an Atlassian Crowd installation using the Crowd REST API.
  • Data AccessWebService
    The Data Access Web Service is the application interface (API) of the BIOFAB's electronic datasheets. It is a RESTful web service that provides the design and performance of BIOFAB parts and constructs. The data and information are in machine readable formats.
  • distributed
    DEAD project Cloud computing for the rest easy to use framework by Java Annotations. Attach to your datastores or whatever you want to distribute.
  • doctest
    Java Doctest Test and document your REST Api in one single file.
  • dspace rest api
    Redeveloped version of DSpace REST API.
  • Dumbledroid
    Framework that enables integration with a RESTful server using magic.
  • ember java
    Ember sample with Java and REST.
  • emf rest
    EMF as RESTFul APIs.
  • ep store
    RESTful Java application to work with Amazon Web Services and their Product Advertising API.
  • fakerest
    Java Framework to Mock REST Calls.
  • file rest blog
    Sample code to go along with a Fuse Mediation Router blog for REST endpoints.
  • forest
    a Java framework for REST.
  • GDirections Api Utils
    This project aims to simplify the usage of the Google Map Direction Rest Api.
  • generic web api
    A library for quickly creating REST API clients.
  • geoip rest
    GeoIP RESTful APIs , powered by Maxmind GeoIP City Database.
  • GraphIntegration
    InfiniteGraph RESTful Server with Gephi Streaming API JSON Resource.
  • handle rest
    RESTful web services for the Handle System Java API.
  • humfrey java
    RDF store with a RESTful update interface, using Java, Jena and NG4J. Developed for http://
  • imaginary home
    Imaginary Home is a suite of Open Source APIs for home automation. It includes both a reference implementation for a RESTful home automation API for cloud and home, but also a Java abstraction API for talking to devices and the REST API.
  • java rest versioning
    Example of a HTTP/REST service versioned by media type but published with additional support for version and format in the URL.
  • Jest
    ElasticSearch Java Rest Client.
  • jevent
    Silly stupid example of building a REST framework thingie in java.
  • jira api client
    WIP JIRA JSON APIs (RPC, REST) client.
  • jira client
    A simple JIRA REST client for Java.
  • JMeterRest Sampler
    A JMeter sampler for testing REST services.
  • jrest route
    A simple & small Java REST route framework for building a RESTful web application.
  • JSONassert
    Write JSON unit tests in less code. Great for testing REST interfaces.
  • jsonhome
    Libraries to publish and consume json home documents for RESTful web applications.
  • jsonstore
    Store and retrieve JSON objects via the REST API.
  • klout4j
    A Java wrapper for the Klout REST API.
  • legacy jclouds chef
    java and clojure components to use the Opscode chef rest api.
  • maDoHttpServices
    a java library used to access REST/ JSON API's for various ToDo (aka Getting Things Done) services.
  • mailee java api
    Java API to use the REST webservices.
  • node vs sastruts vs playframework rest api bench
    REST API server benchmarks (Node.js vs SAStruts vs Playframework).
  • OData
    Play! module that enables exposing REST APIs for Open Data clients.
  • odata4j Java Framework for the RESTful Open Data Protocol (OData,
  • ohloh restful client
    A Java RESTful client for OhLoh Web Service.
  • open311 java
    Java language binding (wrapper) to the Open311 REST API.
  • openbahn api
    Wrapper of REST style webservices for
  • openshift java client
    java client for the OpenShift REST service.
  • OWL REST sample module
    A Sample module that connects to an external web service (REST) to register users in a database.
  • p2p rest ajax java
    Proveedor y consumidor de servicios REST con Glassfish, Jersey, aplicaci?n web AJAX.
  • parcelscout
    Sample application presenting RESTful web services in different platforms.
  • PEXWeb Api
    RESTful Web API for PermissionsEx bukkit plugin.
  • Play Pusher
    A Play Framework plugin for the Pusher REST API.
  • product service
    Product Service (REST+ JSON ).
  • RabbitMQ Management Java
    Java bindings for the RabbitMQ Management REST API.
  • rapa
    ActiveResource like REST Client for java.
  • RelationshipServer
    App that serves out JSON via GET Rest call. It is deployable to Google App Engine. It meant to simulate serving up WESB Static Relationship details.
  • repose
    A powerful, programmable, HTTP proxy for REST API management.
  • rest assured
    Java DSL for easy testing of REST services.
  • rest driver
    Test Driver to test your RESTful services and clients.
  • rest fixture
    A fork of the Fitnesse Rest Fixture by smartrics and company at fixture/ with enhancements for JSON handling and mime conversion. This fork is a sandbox, used to maintain remote changes before they get offered back to the original project.
  • Rest Framework
    restful services framework using java , jetty.
  • rest security filter
    Security Filter For REST Java Services.
  • rest ws
    REST/WebSocket API for WISEBED.
  • is a REST+ JSON framework for building robust, scalable service architectures using dynamic discovery and simple asynchronous APIs.
    RESTAC is a peer to peer Java framework implementing REST.
  • restcountries
    Country Data RESTful Service.
  • restful sample
    Restful sample with vraptor 3.
  • restful webshop
    Backend of a RESTful webshop in Java for GAE.
  • restito
    Restito mocking framework for testing rest clients.
  • restx
    RESTX, the lightweight Java REST framework.
  • Resty
    Tiny REST client for Java and JSON.
  • resty burp
    REST/ JSON interface to Burp Suite.
  • restz
    Restz is the simplest way to consume RESTful Json Web Services. Rest is built with the great help of Gson and Http request.
  • retrofit examples
    Examples of Square's Retrofit framework for RESTful architecture.
  • reversehttp
    A dynamic, ReST style means of enrolment and participation in an HTTP network; a dynamically configurable "Remote CGI" service. Joining the World Wide Web as an HTTP server has been an ad hoc, manual process. By using the protocol defined here, programs can provide services to the Web just as easily as they request services from the Web.
  • rexsl
    Java RESTful XSL based Web Framework.
  • robusta web library
    Robusta library for easy REST in Java.
  • rundeck api java client
    Java client for the RunDeck REST API.
  • schema to pojo
    The schema to pojo project was started because we wanted to programmatically generate the Plain Old Java Objects (POJOs) from JSON schemas. More specifically we wanted to use the generated POJOs as resources of the Synapse JSON REST web services API.
  • se question hunter
    Focus on the questions you care about, ignore the rest! Question Hunter fetches a targeted list of questions using the SE API and assigns each question an MScore. The lowest scoring questions are then displayed for you to act on.
  • serfj
    Simplest Ever REST Framework for Java.
  • sf api connector
    Java API to Salesforce's REST and SOAP APIs.
  • simple webserver and rest with jetty and no xml
    A very basic webserver and REST key value store.
  • SimpleRestClient
    A Java library to help build clients for RESTful web services.
  • stormpath sdk java
    Official Java SDK for the Stormpath User Management REST API.
  • strest server
    Streaming and REST server implementation.
  • stubby4j
    A flexible HTTP stub server for testing application interactions with web services (REST, SOAP etc) & external system stubbing for easy testing.
  • swedish election api
    RESTful HTTP XML/ Json API against Swedish election results.
  • Synapse Repository Services
    The Synapse Repository Services project is the home of the JSON REST web services for Synapse.
  • tagyu4j
    Java library for Tagyu REST web services.
  • tcprest
    Tcp Rest An easy to use network library.
  • tisana4j
    Yet another (but missing) simple JSON RESTful client library for Java. (BETA).
  • toodledo java
    A java library for using toodledo, through the REST API.
  • twilio java
    A Java library for communicating with the Twilio REST API and generating TwiML. Need help? Post your questions to or email us at
  • valve
    Nonblocking HTTP proxy for REST web services written in Java.
  • VRaptor WebService Sample
    A sample 'REST' WebService using VRaptor.
  • wasd
    service?machine discovery with a friendly REST API.
  • web kanban
    A js app and some java REST services to display a board.
  • webbit rest
    An uri template based REST API for Webbit.
  • webs api client java
    Java based client for the REST API.
  • webservices. java
    Generic RESTful Web Service implemented in Java.
  • wow api frame
    Project to get and display info about your wow character from the new armory restful api.
  • XMSClientLibrary
    Sample Java Client Side Library for the Dialogic Powermedia eXtended Media Sever (XMS) platform. This is used by the services team for issue reproduction and rapid demo prototyping. This library uses the XMS REST interface and can answer calls.
  • yaqp
    YAQP stands for "Yet Another Qsar Project". It is a RESTful web service which can be used to train machine learning models and use them to obtain toxicological predictions for given chemical compounds. The project is written in Java.
  • yum repo server
    Server to host and manage yum repositories via REST API.

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