List of Free code WCF


  • A simple windows service to host WCF or WF services
    This little dll makes it easy to : - host a WCF server in a win-service, - handle faulted exceptin to restart your WCF server in case of failure and restart it, - Create an installer for that service, - Access the WCF server directly, in case of Singleton pattern, for WF host...
  • Autodocs - WCF REST Automatic API Documentation Generator
    Autodocs is an automatic API documentation generator for .NET applications that use Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) to establish REST API's.
  • AutoMerge - utilite for merge changes from different text file versions
    AutoMerge is command line utilite, helps to merge different text file versions into single result file. It finds changes made in version files; detects changes conflicts and constructs output file with changes merged. Developed using C# and .NET ver.4. Also, includes WCF service.
  • C# chat client with server (WPF, WCF)
    Newest chat with client and server.
  • C# Developer Utility Library
    Collection of helpful C# functions including zero-config rolling file logging, parameter validation, reflection & object construction, I18N country codes, MIME types, WCF self-hosting, trees, strongly typed configuration, DateTime, I18N distance (Metric & English), Coordinate
  • Communication Between Windows Service and Standard Desktop Application
    Named Pipeline WCF C# Intra Application Communication Example. Example uses NetNamedPipeBinding Class for communication between Windows Service and Mutable Standard Desktop Applications. This is a good starting point for Windows Service that needs to interact with a Desktop App.
  • CSharp Samples
    This contain C#- wpf, wcf, linqtosql, some basic oops stuff etc.
  • Drawing Use Wcf and Wpf
    This is a drawing software which can be drawn by not only one person.
  • EDM And T4
    Generate a WCF Service from your edmx
  • eH-I: eHealth Interoperability
    Set of WCF extensions in order to work with the different services of Belgium eHealth Platform. It includes a library, test cases for the various services and a demo application.
  • Entity Framework4.1 + WCF Ria Services Sample
    Entity Framework4.1 + WCF Ria Services?Implements Sample Project
  • Extended WCF Discovery
    Extend the WCF discovery to support: 1. Service publish its real service address - such as external IP when service is behind NAT 2. Client discovery over any network topology (behind NAT) Also (in the roadmap): Binding discovery-clients will receive the binding from the s...
  • Feature Store
    FeatureStore is a WCF-based Web Service that helps manage feature sets across applications.
  • Generic WCF Hosting Service
    The Generic Host Service provides a simple, reusable, and reliable mechanism for hosting WCF services.
  • Identity at Rest
    A sample application demonstrating one possible approach to integrating Claims Based Identity (such as can be found in Microsoft's new Identity Framework Zermatt) with a RESTful WCF Web Service.
  • InChatter
    InChatter is a Instant messaging communication module for a desktop application programmed by C#. And the server is a WCF program.
  • Jason
    Jason is an infrastructure framework to easly put the "Command" part of CQRS on top of WCF
  • Kaushik SPOT Services for .NET Micro Framework
    This Project provides a Library that can be used on all kinds of .NET Framework i.e. .NET Regular Framework, .NET Micro Framework etc. This definitely does not replace .NET Remoting, Web Services and WCF but certainly add one more to the same stack; and it is very simple to be...
  • MEF for WCF
    The sample to demonstrate how to use MEF for WCF.
  • Microsoft Dynamics CRM Query - T4 Template
    In short, this project provides a LINQ style data access solution for Microsoft CRM 4.0. It provides a T4 Template that generates code leveraging LINQ to SQL and the MS-CRM 4.0 API to give a MS-CRM CRUD data access solution. Special Support for WCF RIA Services is also provided
  • Minima Blog Engine (training software)
    Minima is a blog engine built on Themelia Pro 2.0 and WCF. Therefore, it provides a completely new paradigm for blog engines. It's also used to power and is used by Jampad Technology, Inc. in .NET training.
  • Multiplayer Checkers using WCF WPF
    This project was developed as a C# assignment to just check the C# training concept. A checkers game room where players can play checkers with peers players.
  • Named Pipe WCF C# Intra Application Communication Example
    Named Pipe WCF C# Intra Application Communication Example. Client application send message to host application. Example uses NetNamedPipeBinding Class for communication between apps.
  • NetFXHarmonics DevServer
    NetFXHarmonics DevServer is a web server hosting environment built on WPF and WCF technologies that allows multiple instances of Cassini-like web servers to run in parallel. DevServer also includes tracing capabilities for monitoring requests and responses, request filtering,...
  • OData For Umbraco
    OData for Umbraco, is a OData provider built on WCF Data Services 4. It allows the content xml tree inside of Umbraco to be queried using LINQ.
  • OData Samples
    A collection of samples demonstrating solutions and functionality in WCF Data Services, ODataLib and EdmLib.
  • Open RIA Services
    The Open RIA Services project continues what was previously known as WCF RIA Services.
  • ProxyFactory
    The emergence of the WCF platform announces the unification of all communications technologies provided by the .NET platform in a common foundation and so their decline, WCF?s adoption curve will be slow enterprise wide. So it is still safe bet to develop a library to leverage...
  • RestCake
    RestCake is a C# library for creating REST services without WCF. WCF has many pain points: - Date formatting is horrible (DataContractJsonSerializer) - Can't serialize anonymous types - Too much configuration - Can't handle cycles in object graphs - No global error handling
  • RESTclient for WCF
    RESTclient makes it easier for .NET developers to create applications consuming or providing REST-based webservices. It takes a WADL and creates code from it, or uses attibutes to create WADL for services built with the "REST Starter Kit" (C#, VS template).
  • SAWSDL Implementation for WCF
    [Discontinued] Main goal of the project is to provide Semantic Annotations for WSDL and XML Schema (SAWSDL) implementation for WCF.
  • Smart WCF Client Wrapper
    This is a smart WCF client wrapper that keeps your code clean, and hides common beginner mistakes from the end user. This code handles - EventHandler Cleanup - Exception Managment - Reliable and efficient reuse of the proxy - Cleanup of the proxy - Clean "using(...)" m...
  • WCF Contrib
    WCF Contrib is a library with infrastructure implementations for client and service communications using WCF technology. The project contains useful components assembled from long-term business applications development and best practices.
  • WCF CustomDataSet & CustomDataTable
    This project ensures publishing dataset and datatable typed objects over wcf with custom types.
  • WCF Data Annotations
    WCFDataAnnotations allows you to automatically validate WCF service operation arguments using the attributes and IValidatableObject interface from System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.
  • WCF Data Service / WCF RIA Service Total Samples
    WCF Data Services WCF RIA Service Inlcude Data List Display Data CRUD
  • WCF Data Services Toolkit
    The WCF Data Services Toolkit is a set of extensions to WCF Data Services (the .NET implementation of OData) that attempt to make it easier to create OData services on top of arbitrary data stores without having deep knowledge of LINQ.
  • WCF Extensions
    Collection of WCF extensions. The current version provides a compression channel.
  • WCF Latency Test Harness
    This project contains a harness to test the latency of WCF (and .NET Remoting) for different bindings, serializers, parameters (and sizes), OneWay/TwoWay, etc. It can be used to test the latency behavior for a large set of scenarios, and can easily be customized to assess the ...
  • WCF RIA Services Contrib
    WCF RIA Services Contrib is a collection of tools for WCF RIA Services. Contributions are welcome.
  • WCF Simple multi chat
    This is a simple Windows form application that it's like a 'chat room'. Multiple users can login and chat with others users. The chat's core is powered by WCF
  • WCF SOAP With Attachments Message Encoder
    This sample provides a message encoder for WCF that allows sending and receiving binary data with SOAP-messages based on W3C SOAP-With-Attachments. It was created during an interop-lab with SVC for providing better interoperability with local e-health services that are using SWA.
  • WCF Transport Channel for SQL Server Service Broker
    WCF Transport Channel for SQL Server Service Broker
  • WCFExtras - WCF Soap Header support, Xml comments to WSDL annotation and more
    A collection of useful WCF extensions including Soap Header support, WSDL documentation and more.
  • WCFExtras+ - Soap Headers, WSDL Enhancements, and other extras for WCF
    WcfExtras+ extends the WCFExtras project by including bug fixes and a few new enhancements.
  • WebServiceStudio
    This codeplex project is the revival of good old .NET Webservice Studio tool. Its objective is to adds the support for WCF, Nullable Types and REST style API to allow a complete composite type testing from one tool. Web Service Studio is a tool to invoke webmethods interactiv...
  • White Tiger
    a wcf service that uses xml files as database's table.
  • WPF instance aware application (for single instance applications)
    This C# project helps in the creation of single instance applications (either per user session or per host) using WPF. It does not use the Micrsoft.VisualBasic.WindowsFormApplicationBase approach, relying instead on the usage of synchronization objects and WCF.
  • WSDL Flattener
    WCF services generate WSDL's by separating out its schemas into logical components with cross-references between them. This tool extracts a version of the WSDL into a single file. It may be useful for documentation purposes or to supply as input for other legacy applications.
  • YPHouseKeepingRK
    House keeping money management program. This is my first project in WPF. (yahalom, by sela) app which uses MVVM architecture , Database, WCF, data binding and every good in order to achieve the goal of house keeping
  • Zero Framework
    Zero Framework is .NET based framework for rapid development of thick client applications using agile methodologies. It uses EF Code First, Caliburn.Micro, custom message-based comunication running over WCF and MEF for dependency resolution.

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