List of Free code CommonJS


  • common utils
    A collection of pure JavaScript utility modules in CommonJS format for server and client side use.
  • commonJStableView
    Table View build with commonJS approach in titanium.
  • curl
    curl.js is small, fast, extensible module loader that handles AMD, CommonJS Modules/1.1, CSS, HTML /text, and legacy scripts.
  • gluejs
    Build CommonJS modules for the browser via a chainable API.
  • json schema
    JSON Schema specifications, reference schemas, and a CommonJS implementation.
  • montage
    Core framework: Montage simplifies the development of rich HTML5 applications by providing modular components, real time two way data binding, CommonJS dependency management, and many more conveniences. Join us on or
  • narwhal lib
    Narwhal's pure JavaScript standard library as a package usable on other CommonJS engines.
  • narwhal mongodb
    Wrapper of MongoDB database for CommonJS.
  • nodules
    Asynchronous URL based CommonJS module loader for Node with automated dependency resolution and module reloading.
  • perstore
    CommonJS persistence/object storage based on W3C's object store API.
  • ringo modulr
    A port of the modulr client side CommonJS module implementation to RingoJS.
  • ringojs
    A JavaScript runtime and shell based on Rhino providing a CommonJS conformant module library and web application framework.
  • Sheet.js
    CommonJS & Browser JavaScript for parsing many CSS like languages. Parse a CSS string into a JS object!.
  • Ti Amazon S3
    Titanium Mobile Amazon S3 (commonJS Module).
  • TiPicker
    Titanium CommonJS Module to make Piker UI Componant in Android, iPhone (slide up/down) and iPad (popover).
  • Titanium LibPsiii
    A small Lib with a couple of custom UIs and a handy Image Factory. Everything is build as a CommonJS Module.
  • TiUIExamples
    Titanium UI Examples using JavaScript Modules (commonJS).
  • transform to matrix
    A tiny library to get 2 /3 D matricies from CSS3 transform functions. Fully covered by unit tests, with support for AMD, CommonJS, Node, and browser globals.
  • webpack
    Packs CommonJs/AMD/Labeled Modules for the browser. Allows to split your codebase into multiple bundles, which can be loaded on demand. Support loaders to preprocess files, i.e. json, jade, coffee, css , less,... and your custom stuff.
  • whatsupdoc
    Out of service ? A pure JavaScript inline JavaScript documentation parser and formatter CommonJS package.

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