List of Free code ORM


  • AltairStudios.Core
    AltairStudios.Core is a MVC fullstack framework extension with utils and administration. Core is a application core with a ORM to connecto to database with models, auto administration tool, and utilities.
  • Chinook Database
    Chinook is a sample database available for SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, etc. It can be created by running a single SQL script. Chinook database is an alternative to the Northwind database, being ideal for demos and testing ORM tools targeting single and multiple database servers.
  • Data Broker
    Data Broker is a Data Access Layer and ORM framework. It is small, easy to use and implements various fault tolerant features. It requires no XML configuration for defining the object relational mapping, just some simple attributes in the data access classes. Developed in C#.
  • Dax - Data Access Layer and ORM C# code generator.
    Dax is a Data Access Layer and ORM C# code generator. No runtime libraries required by the application, the generated code is a complete lightweight ORM implementation generated from an Sql server database.
  • FluentData -Micro ORM with a fluent API that makes it simple to query a database
    A simple to use Micro ORM with a great fluent API that makes it simple to select, insert, update and delete data in a database. Supported databases: Microsoft SQL Server, MS SQL Server Compact, MS SQL Azure, Oracle and MySQL.
  • FrameworkQ
    A framework and application library for ORM, validation, command line and also a few applications too.
  • LINQ Projector
    LINQ Projector allows you to auto map ORM entity classes to your own classes in LINQ queries.
  • Normal - .Net Object Relational Mapping Application Library
    Normal is a lightweight ORM library that uses reflection and attributes to make easier to mapping objects to tables and properties to columns. It's tested in Microsoft SQL Server 2000, 2005 and Firebird SQL 2.0.1 but can support other databases such as Oracle and MySQL. Also...
  • ODX.NET - Distributed ORM Framework
    Open Dataset eXtensions is a quite tiny but extremely powerful ORM framework. It utilizes all the power of ADO.NET and adds the natural ease of OOP. ODX delivers on-the-fly proxy generation, remoting, powerfull offline layer, savepoints/undo, persistent snapshots, SQL/XML data...
  • OpenNETCF.ORM Framework
    The OpenNETCF.ORM library is a lightweight object-relational mapping framework designed for use with the .NET Compact Framework, the full .NET Framework and Mono for Android (a.k.a. MonoDroid) and Mono for iOS (MonoTouch). The framework is extensible to allow any type of ba...
  • Opf3
    Object Persistent Framework 3 (or as we call it Opf3) is an Object Relational Mapper (ORM) Framework for .NET 2.0. It has been developed for .NET 2.0, .NET 3.5. The framework supports a large variety of databases including Sql Server and Oracle.
  • ORM Benchmark
    a real basic benchmarking tool for ORMs
  • Over Store
    OverStore ORM (Obect-Relational Mapper) for Windows, Windows Mobile, Windows CE platform developed with .NET Compact Framework.
  • Sample Web Application using Telerik's OpenAccess ORM
    Sample Web Site Application Project that uses Telerik's OpenAccess ORM for data access.
  • Sonar
    Sonar is .NET ORM written in C# 4.0
  • SQL Data
    SQL Data is an ORM for C# without any of the bloat.
  • Xml Data Mapper - a simple xml based ORM, database to object, POCO / DTO mapper
    The Cached Xml Data Mapper is a a simple xml based ORM. It converts DataReader, DataTable to custom DTOs / POCOs / objects and vice versa. Unlike ORMs which are difficult to choose from, complex to understand and that leaves a heavy memory footprint, this one is simple and...
  • Xml To Entity Framework
    General Xml To Entity ORM framework V1.0

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