Maven Repository - POM file for File commons-io 1.3.2 1.3.2


Commons IO.

Commons-IO contains utility classes, stream implementations, file filters, and endian classes..


Here is the list of declaration for commons-io. If you use Maven you can use the following code to add the dependency for this POM file.


If you think this Maven repository POM file listing for commons-io is inappropriate, such as containing malicious code/tools or violating the copyright, please email info at java2s dot com, thanks.

Depends on

The commons-io-1.3.2 has 1 dependencies.The most popular ones are listed in the following table along with their categories and number of artifacts depending on them.

CategoryArtifactDepended By Count
JUnitjunit 3.8.1
JUnit is a regression testing framework written by Erich Gamma and Kent Beck. It is used by the developer who implements unit tests in Java.

Depended by

The following table lists the most popular artifacts which are depending on commons-io-1.3.2. Their categories and depend by count are also listed.

CategoryArtifactDepended By Count
JSFtomahawk 1.1.10
JSF components and utilities that can be used with any JSF implementation. This library is compatible with both JSF1.1 and JSF1.2; however for JSF1.2 users there is an alternative build of Tomahawk available that takes advantage of JSF1.2 features to offer some additional benefits.
Servletcommons-fileupload 1.2.2
The FileUpload component provides a simple yet flexible means of adding support for multipart file upload functionality to servlets and web applications.
Scalascalatest_2.11.0-RC4 2.1.3
ScalaTest is a free, open-source testing toolkit for Scala and Java programmers.
Logperf4j 0.9.16
Performance statistics logging and monitoring toolkit extension to log4j, logback and the java.util.logging framework.
Logperf4j 0.9.13
Performance statistics logging and monitoring toolkit extension to log4j and the java.util.logging framework.
Logperf4j 0.9.14
Performance statistics logging and monitoring toolkit extension to log4j and the java.util.logging framework.
Scalascalatest_2.10 2.1.4
ScalaTest is a free, open-source testing toolkit for Scala and Java programmers.
Scalascalatest_2.10 2.1.2
ScalaTest is a free, open-source testing toolkit for Scala and Java programmers.
Scalascalatest_2.10 2.1.0
ScalaTest is a free, open-source testing toolkit for Scala and Java programmers.
Scalascalatest_2.10 2.0.RC3
ScalaTest is a free, open-source testing toolkit for Scala and Java programmers.
Scalascalatest_2.10 2.1.3
ScalaTest is a free, open-source testing toolkit for Scala and Java programmers.
Scalascalatest_2.10 2.1.5
ScalaTest is a free, open-source testing toolkit for Scala and Java programmers.
Scalascalatest_2.10 2.0.M6-SNAP36
ScalaTest is a free, open-source testing toolkit for Scala and Java programmers.
Scalascalatest_2.11 2.1.3
ScalaTest is a free, open-source testing toolkit for Scala and Java programmers.
Scalascalatest_2.10 2.0.M6
ScalaTest is a free, open-source testing toolkit for Scala and Java programmers.
Scalascalatest_2.10 2.1.6
ScalaTest is a free, open-source testing toolkit for Scala and Java programmers.
Scalascalatest_2.11 2.1.7
ScalaTest is a free, open-source testing toolkit for Scala and Java programmers.
Scalascalatest_2.11 2.1.5
ScalaTest is a free, open-source testing toolkit for Scala and Java programmers.
JSFtomahawk12 1.1.9
JSF components and utilities that can be used with any JSF implementation. This library is based on the JSF1.1 version of Tomahawk, but with minor source code and build changes to take advantage of JSF1.2 features. A JSF1.2 implementation is required to use this version of the Tomahawk ...
Servletcommons-fileupload 1.2.1
The FileUpload component provides a simple yet flexible means of adding support for multipart file upload functionality to servlets and web applications.
Scalascalatest_2.10 2.0
ScalaTest is a free, open-source testing toolkit for Scala and Java programmers.


The following plugins are used in the commons-io-1.3.2.jar

  1. maven-assembly-plugin
  2. maven-changes-plugin
  3. maven-surefire-plugin


The following packages are defined in the commons-io-1.3.2.jar

POM File Source

Here is the content of the POM file.

<?xml version="1.0"?><project>
  <name>Commons IO</name>
  <description>Commons-IO contains utility classes, stream implementations, file filters, and endian classes.</description>
      <name>Rahul Akolkar</name>
      <name>Jason Anderson</name>
      <name>Nathan Beyer</name>
      <name>Emmanuel Bourg</name>
      <name>Chris Eldredge</name>
      <name>Magnus Grimsell</name>
      <name>Jim Harrington</name>
      <name>Thomas Ledoux</name>
      <name>Andy Lehane</name>
      <name>Marcelo Liberato</name>
      <name>Alban Peignier</name>
      <email>alban.peignier at</email>
      <name>Niall Pemberton</name>
      <name>Ian Springer</name>
      <name>Masato Tezuka</name>
      <name>James Urie</name>
      <name>Frank W. Zammetti</name>
                    <copy todir="${}/site/api-release">
                      <fileset dir="${}/site/apidocs"></fileset>
                    <zip destfile="${}/${artifactId}">
                      <zipfileset src="${}/${artifactId}-1.3.2-javadoc.jar"></zipfileset>
                      <zipfileset prefix="META-INF" dir=".">
                        <include name="LICENSE.txt"></include>
                        <include name="NOTICE.txt"></include>
                    <move file="${}/${artifactId}" tofile="${}/${artifactId}-1.3.2-javadoc.jar"></move>
                    <zip destfile="${}/${artifactId}">
                      <zipfileset src="${}/${artifactId}-1.3.2-sources.jar"></zipfileset>
                      <zipfileset prefix="META-INF" dir=".">
                        <include name="LICENSE.txt"></include>
                        <include name="NOTICE.txt"></include>
                    <move file="${}/${artifactId}" tofile="${}/${artifactId}-1.3.2-sources.jar"></move>