Maven Repository - POM file for Library io7m-jaux 2.3.0 2.3.0



Auxiliary library.


Here is the list of declaration for io7m-jaux. If you use Maven you can use the following code to add the dependency for this POM file.


If you think this Maven repository POM file listing for io7m-jaux is inappropriate, such as containing malicious code/tools or violating the copyright, please email info at java2s dot com, thanks.


Name:ISC License

Depends on

The io7m-jaux-2.3.0 has 2 dependencies.The most popular ones are listed in the following table along with their categories and number of artifacts depending on them.

CategoryArtifactDepended By Count
JUnitjunit 4.10
JUnit is a regression testing framework written by Erich Gamma and Kent Beck. It is used by the developer who implements unit tests in Java.
Testing Coding Stylejsr305 2.0.1
JSR305 Annotations for Findbugs


The following plugins are used in the io7m-jaux-2.3.0.jar

  1. emma-maven-plugin
  2. emma-maven-plugin
  3. io7m-saxon-plugin
  4. maven-assembly-plugin
  5. maven-clean-plugin
  6. maven-compiler-plugin
  7. maven-deploy-plugin
  8. maven-install-plugin
  9. maven-jar-plugin
  10. maven-javadoc-plugin
  11. maven-project-info-reports-plugin
  12. maven-resources-plugin
  13. maven-site-plugin
  14. maven-source-plugin
  15. maven-surefire-plugin
  16. xml-maven-plugin


The following packages are defined in the io7m-jaux-2.3.0.jar


POM File Source

Here is the content of the POM file.

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
  <description>Auxiliary library</description>

      <name>ISC License</name>









      <!-- Plugin versions -->

      <!-- Require JDK >= 1.6 -->

      <!-- Produce custom manifest in jar files -->

      <!-- Create source jar -->

      <!-- Create javadoc jar -->

      <!-- Enable code coverage for unit tests -->

      <!-- Validate XML documentation -->

      <!-- Transform XML documentation with Saxon -->

      <!-- Produce documentation archive -->

    <!-- Allow deployment over ssh -->

    <!-- Mark certain plugins as ignored in Eclipse. Does not affect the build. -->

  <!-- Sign artifacts when deploying to io7m -->
