List of Free code Algorithm


  • Algorithm testing and evaluating
    A small utility to test and evaluate algorithms in correctness, performance and more.
  • Algorithmia
    Algorithm and data-structure library for .NET 3.5 and up. Algorithmia contains sophisticated algorithms and data-structures like graphs, priority queues, command, undo-redo and more.
  • Berkeley Algorithm
    student project for DS course Berkeley Algorithm C#
  • BigNumber for .NET
    The BigNumber project is a testbed for developing various implementations of big integers and rational numbers in C#. The main guideline of the project is simplicity of use, robustness and completness of the libraries. The library will provide various algorithms for general use.
  • Bumblebee
    Bumblebee is an Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm developed in F#. The algorithm is a randomized search method that mimics the behavior of bee hives: it dispatches "bees" to search for new solutions or explore the neighborhood of known solutions, and allocates new searches...
  • C# RushHour Puzzle
    RushHour Project uses the A* algorithm to solve instances of the Rush Hour puzzle. This involved implementing a graph-search version of A*, along with three heuristics, and testing the implementation on several Rush Hour puzzles
  • Checksum Calculator
    A native C# program for calculating file checksums in various algorithms: SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, MD5. Works with .NET 2.0 and above. Has many options for comparing and outputting the calculated hash.
  • Computational Geometry
    A library of Computational Geometry algorithms such as convex hulls, Voronoi diagrams, line intersections, triangulations, and more; written in C#.
  • Data compression and data encryption
    This article for data compression and data encryption. Data Compression use Gzip algorithm in c# 2.0 and compress, decompress array of bytes that can be converted to files by streams. Data encryption use custom algorithm for encrypt and decrypt array of bytes or strings whic...
  • Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA)
    Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) features implementations of data structures and algorithms that are not implemented in any version of .NET.
  • Doboz for .NET
    Doboz is asymmetric (high compression ratio, fast decompression) LZ-based compression algorithm.
  • Duplicate images finder
    This application can search through your images collection and find duplicates not only by file name or size, but also by visual similarity. It done by implementation of some public domain algorithm to do its work.
  • Dynamic Time Warp for Time Series Analysis
    This is a conversion to C# of Stan Salvador, Philip Chan Fast DTW algorithm originally implemented in Java.
  • FastMath
    FastMath is a library of fundamental 3D graphics algorithms and data structures.
  • FeedSync Samples
    A collection of sample code, tutorials and documention to aid in the creation of FeedSync based solutions. FeedSync is a multi-master synchronization algorithm and data extensions that can be implemented in almost any language by using almost any technology.
  • Find diff of two text or xml files. Transform from one to another.
    An algorithm to diff two strings or XElements. Not only get the diff, but also get how to transform one string to another. Two methods are provided. One returns the ChangeSet object, another one apply the ChangeSet object to transform a source string to the target. by KevinZ
  • GPdotNET - artificial intelligence tool
    GPdotNET is artificial intelligence tool for applying Genetic Programming and Genetic Algorithm in modeling and optimization of various engineering problems.
  • Graph#
    Graph# is a graph layout framework. It contains some layout algorithms and a GraphLayout control for WPF applications.
  • Hieroglyph 3
    Hieroglyph 3 is a rendering library and associated set of sample programs based on Direct3D 11. Its main objective is to allow rapid development of new algorithms, and thus focuses on flexibility while still allowing for performance optimization.
  • Hirschberg Global Alignment in C# .NET 2.0
    This project contains the C# .NET 2.0 implementation and unit tests for the Hirschberg Global Alignment algorithm. The implementation was done as part of an academic course on "Algorithms for Genomes" (A4G) at the IBIVU Amsterdam.
  • Home Again
    A firewall supplement created for the average user to track his or her computer's activity while away. Traffic is not blocked. It is instead cataloged. Algorithms are then applied to recorded traffic to generate suggested actions for the user upon return.
  • HydroLiDAR
    This is a research project intended to explore algorithms and techniques for extracting Hydrographic features (rivers, watersheds, ponds, pits, etc.) directly from LiDAR data without first converting the LiDAR point cloud into raster data.
  • Instant File Transfer
    Instant File Transfer should enable faster file transfer between peers than in other ways by using patent-free and open-source compression algorithms. It's being developed in C#.
  • Intelligent Scissors
    Uses Dijkstra?s algorithm to find the best path between selection points along the boundary of an image.
  • ISO 7064 Check Digits - C# Implementation
    Simple implementation of all ISO 7064 check digit algorithms in C#.
  • Labyrinth C#
    Mini-game in which the user can go through the maze. Provides an opportunity to build a maze of different dimensions and complexity, using an algorithm of Robert Taryan.
  • LinearSolver
    A little exercise in linear algebra algorithms and WPF
  • LZ4 for .NET
    Quadruple (Mixed Mode, C++/CLI, Unsafe and Safe) .NET implementation of LZ4 - ultra fast compression algorithm.
  • Machine Learning for .NET
    Machine Learning Library for .NET. Initial inclusions will be binary and multi-class classification as well as standard clustering algorithms.
  • MyMedia Dynamic Personalization and Recommendation Software Framework Toolkit
    The MyMedia toolkit is an extensible software framework for multimedia recommendation, incorporating cutting edge recommender algorithms and metadata enrichment. This C# developed research project makes it easier to study, develop and deploy personalization technology.
  • NAverage
    NAverage extends the built-in Enumerable.Average LINQ extension method that ships with .NET 3.5 by lots of other average calculation algorithms. It's written in C# and requires .NET ? 3.5.
  • NPatternRecognizer
    NPatternRecognizer is a fast machine learning algorithm library written in C#. It contains support vector machine, neural networks, bayes, boost, k-nearest neighbor, decision tree, ..., etc.
  • nQuant
    nQuant is a .net color quantizer producing high quality 256 color 8 bit PNG images using an algorithm optimized for the highest quality possible.
  • NRuler
    NRuler is a fast production system based on RETE algorithm written in C#. .
  • NuMetaheuristics
    NuMetaheuristics is a general framework for optimization developed in C#. It is capable of supporting any optimization paradigm (local search, naturally inspired, multi-objective, etc.). It supports extensions to allow for new genotypes, operators, and algorithms.
  • OpenTextSummarizer C# Port
    This is a port to C# of the fantastic Open Text Summarizer ( . It uses the same dictionary files and algorithms of the original OTS, though all of the code was rewritten.
  • RoboSubSync
    Fixes an unsynchronized subtitle in any language according to an already synced subtitle in english, with the help of some advanced algorithm magic...
  • Robots Routing using Swarm Intelligence
    A C# project to simulate and test a multiagent algorithm for finding multiple noisy radiation sources with spatial and communication constraints with an emulated environment.
  • Sound It Out - Sounds Like Phonetic Algorithms
    Phonetic Algorithm helper Completed: NYSIIS Soundex Metaphone Caverphone NGrams MatchRating -In Progress: Double Metaphone
  • Sudoku (Multiplayer in RnD)
    Sudoku project was to practice on C# by making a desktop application using some algorithm Before this, I had worked on and other software
  • SudokuConsoleApp
    Sample C# console application solving sudoku with recursive algorithm.
  • Tic Tac Toe (XO Game)
    Tic Tac Toe (XO) is a one player game against PC, using AI algorithms like Best First Search (BFS) and Minimax. It has been developed under C#.NET 3.0
  • TimSort for .NET
    TimSort is relatively new sorting algorithm invented by Tim Peters in 2002, which is a hybrid of adaptive MergeSort and InsertionSort. It is not worse than QuickSort which modified version is used as default sorting algorithm in .NET. TimSort's average case performance is O(n ...
  • TribesPSO
    TribesPSO is a managed implementation of the Tribes particle swarm optimization technique. It is designed to be extensible without recompilation to enable testing of variations on the Tribes algorithm. The project is written in c# For more information about the underl...
  • TSP with Branch and Bound
    Uses a branch and bound algorithm to find solutions to the Traveling Salesperson Problem.
  • Tulip Rules
    Tulip Rules is a fast .NET set-based inferencing rules engine with equivalent capabilities to engines based on the Rete Algorithm.
  • WPF 3D Labyrinth
    A project for "Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms" subject at Kaunas University of Technology. Building a 3D labyrinth with a figure which is trying to get out of it. Using WPF.
  • WPFGraph
    WPFGraph is a tool to create animations of graph algorithms using a WPF based 3D rendering engine. You can create a graph by adding nodes and edges to the UI simply by using your mouse. Then you can execute a graph algorithm like Dijkstra on the created graph.
  • Yasher (Yet Another Hasher)
    Compute hash of files or text. Supported algorithms : * MD5 * SHA1 * SHA256 * SHA384 * SHA512 * RIPEMD160

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